Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
I was trying to develop this area within my setting. The children are aged 2 to 5 years of age and free flow between all areas together. The children currently enjoy songs and rhymes and will singing them in all areas. The songs we currents sing seem to all decrease in numbers does anyone have any number songs that the numbers increase. thank you in advance also if anone has an ideas for fun activities which have worked for them
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I am returning to Foundation Stage after 2 years and our school is changing into a fully fledged Foundation Stage unit with Nursery fully integrated and no large group teaching. There will be 3 teachers, 1 Nursery Nurse and 4 Teaching Assistants with 104 children in the morning and 80 in the afternoon (nursery will only do AM). We are all very excited about doing a fully free flow self initiated system but are getting a bit stuck on how to organise the day. We have a very large space indoors with a smaller room (old Nursery) plus a large outdoor area. We intend to do focused, small group activities but the rest will be self initiated. Does anyone ha…
Traditional Tales
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone! We are doing traditional tales for our first topic in Reception this year and although I have lots and lots of fun activities for literacy and numeracy for some of my tales, I'm struggling with the 3 billy goats gruff and little red riding hood. I'm going to do role play for the billy goats using sparklebox masks etc but little red riding hood is stumping me! i keep forgetting that the children can't actually write words at the start of reception! I'm going to do positional language for maths along with patterns for billy goats gruff but want some exciting activities for literacy and numeracy really! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks i…
Water As A Topic!
by Guest- 2 replies
I'm looking for any ideas of things people have done with Water being a topic in Reception or Year 1? Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
- 3 replies
Hi I'm an NQT working in a Reception/Year 1 class. I started in Feb so enjoying the holidays but starting to think about getting organised for September. Looking through some of these pages I have found lots of really helpful ideas and activities which has been brilliant. I have found lots of comments about Child Initiated time and am a little confused. I had always thought that that time should be completely chosen by the children and the role of the adults in the room was to play alongside, support and extend learning and observe. Some people have mentioned that they set out specific activities for the children during choosing time but surely that would make the…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 16 replies
Hi All, Have finally had time to log on here! Can any of you Year R teachers let me know whether you have been brave enough to scrap all traditional timetables in favour of free-flow child-initiated learning - so not going to assemblies, not having playtimes and not following any structured sessions during the day except for lunch times? I am interested to know and how this has been received by the head and other colleagues! Thanks!
- 1 reply
Hi, I have been tearing my hair out trying to plan for my Year 1 children in a mainly Reception class (21 Reception/ 6 Year 1). I am planning on using the EYFS curriculum for the whole class throughout the first term as the Year 1 children still have several scale points to reach. However, i'm wondering whether I should link them to Year 1 objectives or wait till the 2nd term before even thinking about it. Please help!
Sorry Planning Again
by Guest- 1 reply
Sorry another post about planning - I just can't get to grips with it. I have downloaded the durham planning but am confused as to how to 'fill it out' has anyone used it before and willing to share a completed plan? Much appreciated
Early Learning Goals Page
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone! Sorry to be a pain but I have been looking around for the past hour trying to find the topic about a single page that has all the elarly learning goals on! I have tried many a title for the searches and keep coming up with non related things! Can someone please point me in the right direction?!? That's if you know what I mean haha! Thanks muchly!! Smiffy xxxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 6 replies
Im returning to reception after almost 5 years in ks1 and although i am originally early years trained quite a bit has changed and im expected to find this out for myself before sept. I,m fine with this but i keep going round in circles with all this no topics, free flow etc. so my first task is to find out about planning. How do you all plan-do you do a weekly and a daily plan? Also if you have no topics as such, when do you do your planning? (as i have a young family i used to do my planning on a Thurs night for the next week-is this not really possible with the new changes?) I,d be really grateful if anyone could share one of your completed plans that you use,…