Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 5 replies
Hello everybody, I am teaching a Reception Class at the moment, which I have been teaching in a play based approach. As I am going to take them up to Year 1 next year, I would like to continue teaching them in the same way. I am therefore looking for great ideas and would appreciate, if you could give me some guidance on how you structure your school day in Year 1 and how you teach the different subjects in particular Literacy and Numeracy. I am also interested in how you have made the transition between Foundation Stage and Year 2 and the use of adults in your classroom setting. At the moment in Reception we teach two adult directed tasks and have two adult facilita…
Out With Topics And In With Skills.
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all. It's great to get to the end of another year and reflect on all the good we have done. Still, looking ahead to next year i am considering changing the way i plan for my reception class. At present i still use a topic as the basis of my MTP. During the half term i try to keep my class very child initiated but do have a few adult led activities (probably too many). If the children are not taking the topic on board then i will change/adapt it based on any common interests. However, after reading through many of the excellent posts on this sight (and the article on motivational planning) i really want to scrap topics and focus on selecting the skills that i would …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, like you all I expect I am on my last legs and I am now being observed in numeracy next week. I would be so grateful if you could share some ideas especially for a problem solving activity. It is a one of lesson so I am willing to try anything. Revision/outdoors/problem solving. My brain is dead. Thank you all so much
Lesson Observation
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone, I have just found out today that I have a lesson observation on monday - whole class input and then a linked group activity with CLL focus. We are looking at under the sea at the moment and I have had a look at the topic support and the fantastic ideas that people have suggested. However we have been looking at clips from Finding Nemo as a starting point so I wanted to do something based on that. If anyone has a ideas that would be great. I am an NQT and really want this observation to go well. Thanks
Learning Journeys
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello I was wondering if anyone would share their stories or examples of how they have tackled learning journeys in their settings. I am currently looking at reviewing how my staff do learning journeys and we appreciate some other ideas and feedback. Many thanks
What Can Target Tracker Do?
by Guest- 13 replies
not sure if this is the right place but here goes. I am sitting here painstakingly filling in paper work for our EY advisor which involves me extracting information from the EYFS points grids (all 113 for each child) according to different groups of children i.e. all boys, all girls etc and recording their results to show how many children got 1 point, 2 points etc for all PSE and CLL. It is taking me an absolute age, surley that is what target tracker was invented for? I thought this tool could extract this sort of information to make it easy or am I totally wrong and missed the point? Some one help before my eyes give up!
by Guest- 2 replies
Is anyone out there using Fingertips to manage observations? Is it worth the investment? Wed need one per class, presumably. Would it link well with eyeprofile? Any comments gratefully received.
- 9 replies
Dear all, I am starting a Reception/Year 1 job in September. My new head is happy for me to plan to the six areas of learning for Y1, but I think I need to sort out the National Curriulum KS1 subject skills into the 6 areas of learning. I am planning to cut and paste the NC skills into the 6 areas of learning to provide myself with a long term plan for the year, then I can highlight skills as I cover them. Before I spend hours doing this I was wondering if anyone else had done something similar??? If not, once I have done it I will put it on here for the rest of you!! Thanks! P.S. I think I may have accidentally also posted this under ICT. Oops, I am stil…
Well Being
by Guest- 3 replies
Have just been doing my transition documents for the children moving up to big school and was struggling a bit to talk about their sense of well being and involvement when I stumbled on this booklet
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
Transition Into My Setting
by Guest- 2 replies
We are taking in a few children into YR this year from outside of our FSU and I am planning to go visit these children in thier current setting. Do any of you do these visits? What do you look for when you are visiting? Do you have any proformas that you use that would be helpful???? Thanks H
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106,