Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Ice Cream/ice Lolly Poems Or Songs?
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all, I am in need of some inspirational ideas for my classes end of year part in the production. The ideal theme would be based around ice creams/ice lollies.. can anyone think of any good songs or rhymes based on this topic?? many thanks in advance!x
Psrn Parent Leaflets
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi - have an open day coming up soon for my new reception starters. Have parent information for the EYFS and CLL but have nothing recent about PSRN. If anyone knows of any leaflets or posters, could you please let me know where from??? Thanks
Tracking Observations
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi In the usual panic just before moderation. Last year I was told i needed something between my e-profile and observations in terms of tracking. I am happy with my observations and have had several joint sessions this year with LEA advisor all gone well. However when it comes to being able to track which observation lead me to believe that little Jonny could do scale point 3 in the autumn term short of looking through them all I don't have a system. I was just wondering what everyone else did. Thanks Jay
Outdoor Planning
by Guest- 11 replies
Hiya... long time since i have had time to actually get on here!! I wondered if anyone would be kind enough to share their outdoor planning with me? I am not happy with my format and would like some ideas of how to make it better. Help would be much appreciated! Thank you! Tink! x
Prsn Planning
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi, could someone please help with with a focused activity on 2D/3D shapes, my mind is so blank too many hours doing lessons plans. Thanks
Record Keeping
by Guest- 16 replies
I have been trying to persuade my colleagues to cut down on paperwork in order to spend more time interacting with children, and I had thought that this was something that Ofsted might support. Currently managers want us to try and record all activities that the children participate in every session - which I think is detrimental to interacting well with the children. However, in going through some recent ofsted reports I have just found the following (so maybe I am wrong - we do need to spend all our time recording what every child plays with every day???): "Whilst children have access to activities that enhance all areas of their learning and have the freedom t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3448, -
Lesson Observation
by Guest- 0 replies
Hello Everyone, Hope you are all well and happy. I was wondering if I could pick your brains. I'm being observed on Tuesday by the head teacher. She wants to see me working with the Higher achieving girls. My focus is problem solving and computation and the theme I am working on is Length and height. I know it is a big ask but has anyone got any wonderful ideas out there that will blow my head teacher away?? Many thanks for your help. Love Boogie
Help Inspection
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi everyone, Next week we have an inspection from Monday to Thursday for all of school, and we in Early Years in the Nursery have it on Monday and Tuesday, just the Early Years one. Today I was told that I should do an activity on sorting shells into groups etc.... what else can I do with this? What kind of language should I be using for? WHat kind of resources do you think I need? I guess I should have a kind of tick list organised, but what kind of knowledge woudl I be looking for?? Thanks so much. Sarah
Circle Time Ideas For Inspection?
by Guest- 2 replies
Anyone got any good circle ideas that I could do with my group of children? its just for 15 minutes before lunch for 9 children, just for when its inspection for two days next week. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14602, -
How Much Planning Time Do You Get?
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi! I am interested to hear from those working in schools about the amount of time you are given for planning / profile observation writing during school hours (not including lunch breaks and after the children go home)? Thanks K8