Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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by Guest- 2 replies
Hello! Was wondering if someone could describe to me the effectiveness of APP in assessment? Has anyone experienced any difficulties with it? Its for an assignment, so am looking for a range of views please. Many thanks, Becksyboo xx
Observation Formats
by Guest- 11 replies
I currently plan from an observation based starting point, and also use this for assessment. I have only used individual child observations. I would like to branch out into group observations and also to arae observations. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas for formats that I could use as a starting point? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 4 replies
I am finding myself straightjacketed by the planning formats that I am expected to use in yr1. Has anyone got anything they can share please that is quick and easy to use and allows for a creative curriculum approach?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Continuous Provision Planning In Y1
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, Can you tell me how you plan for CP in Y1? I teacher Foundation 2 and have long term planning for CP and then on short term planning, say any Enhancements for a particular area each week. My Head has asked me to help Y1 with their CP areas and planning and just thought you good people might be able to help me. They currently have a role play, reading and ICT areas but want to increase this to writing, PSRN areas etc Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
- 3 replies
I am being observed on weds morning working with reception aged children using bee bots (programmable toys). I am going to set the children different tasks and challenges requiring them to programme the bee bot, this will also involve estimating, positional lang, number, distance, directions etc. I was just wondering if any body has used these before and has any exciting ideas of how to use them? Or knows of an activity that worked well in their setting when using bee bots? Any ideas gratefully recieved. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4283, -
Psrn Observation
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone, Been racking my brains for my lesson observation on PSRN and seem to be getting my head in a muddle. I've got a class of 30 Reception, some very able. My key learning objectives for the week are: "To recognise a set of numbers more or less than a given number, and to recognise the numbers between given no’s." I'm just getting stressed for two reaons. Any good ideas for whole class input to stretch the Focus activities with a bit of recording? Ahhh Please help! x
Letters And Sounds Phase 4
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi there Now I have made my first post, there is no stopping me now! Was wondering if anyone has any inspiratinal ideas for teaching phase 4, I haven't taught this before. I have a group of 9 children and they are all quite bright and enthusiastic to learn but do not always demonstrate their phonic ability in their independent writing. Any ideas? XXX
- 7 replies
For my Uni course I need to do a ILP, I think that this is like a IEP but I am not sure. If anyone can help me I would be really grateful. Thank you in advance Karen x x
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello there! I'm teaching with a Y1 class for the rest of this term and one of the things I have to get up to speed with is APP. I have copies of the levels & statements for Reading, Writing and Maths and it all seems like what I used to do with levelling and assessing every half term, so from that point of view it's nothing too new! But, I have been on the DCSF website for info but can only find it electronically which is a pain as I prefer to read info on paper rather than on screen! Does anyone who where I can get it from in paper form? Many thanks L
- 5 replies
I have been asked to teach 30 very able reception children for whole class 10 min intro then work with focus groups. I want to do something really fun and engaging. I was thinking of a maths problem or number bonds to 10. Thank you in advance for your help- my mind has just gone a bit blank xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485,