Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Reception Planning From Interests
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I have been scouring the internet for examples of how people do their planning. I am coming to the end of my NQT year and have changed my plans several times but still don't feel comfortable? Please could I have some advice on how people run their daily, weekly, MTP and LTP? I can't seem to get it to flow together? I was having PSRN and CLL weekly plans, taking into account obsevations from the week before and sticking them on the back. How do people atttach observations to the planning? Can someone tell me what plans I should have? Also what are people's thoughts on topics? I am thinking of planning topics solely based on the children's interests? If …
- 5 replies
hi at my last SMT observation my head said that the children were not reflective enough. They were unble to tell him what the lesson objective was and they did not know what they had learnt that day. To try and address this i have made a 'we are learning...' display which has a L/O for CLL and PSRN for that week and i try and refer to it before each session and i now set a side 15mins a day for a reflection circle where we discuss the focus activity of the day, but i dont think the sessions mean anything to the children. i am also not convinced that this will be enough for SMT, had anyone got any ideas or advice. i really hope someone can help, thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9574, -
Please Help Me?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hiya guys I am hoping that some of you great people will be able to help me? I have an essay question to answer: Observation is widely used as a method of assessing children's learning and development. What are the strengths and limitations of using observation as an assessment tool? All answers should refer to recent and relevant research and publications. I have my own knowledge on this as we all do this day in day out. But I am having trouble finding the relevant research to back everything up. I have looked in the guidance - it doesn't say a lot, also all of the books from uni, but I am confused as to what sort of research- should it be from the go…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23423, -
by Guest Agyness- 0 replies
Focusing on best outcomes for early years, have any practitioners any experience of assessment and outcomes for gifted children and what has been your input?
All Around The World Topic
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I have posted before and your comments/replies have always been helpful and reassuring, so I thought rather than sit at home panicking, I'd turn to you all again for guidance etc. I am attempting to get ahead so that I can spend half term sorting reports and hopefully relaxing a bit (it's crazy as its May and I am battling with a nasty cold) with ideas for next half term. I am an NQT and find the concept of planning completely from children's interest for focused activities daunting (especially due to the nature of my school set up) and I am unsure how to tackle it ( I went on a course last week, but came away more confused and unsure how to tackle it al…
- 2 replies
Isn't the whole importance of speaking and listening(dialogue) Alexander's not Rose's idea. Why are we only hearing about Jim Rose - is he Government sponsored and not Alexander? I'm not particulary anti-Government , just wondering why all the Rose review when Alexanders ideas seemed so prominent snd sensible while I was studying.. where is the outcome of Alexanders review/study, or is it ongoing??
- 4 replies
hi all can you please help me go through the procedure I have to use to write policy eg. write policy in consultation with leadership team, present to SMT etc Also please can someone give me a list under what I ahould know about safeguarding all the things just writing something and dont want to miss anything out. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Outdoor Supervision
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi the situation is we had a reception classroom and outdoor area at the back and we have large windows so I could always see the children this was deemed as fine. However our new outdoor area is twice the size and although I can see the children I am much further away. What is the legal side of this does an adult with reception need to be outside all the time? It is an added stress coz now nursery share this as they had a classroom built next door. It is not the school's Nursery so the ratio's are two separate things. They have told me that having the reception children outside makes them over their ratios but they are not their children to look after. Confusing …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
When Do You Stop Observing?
by Guest- 9 replies
I have only been an early years practitioner for just over a year so I am not familiar with end of year procedures. Our Curriculum Manager has asked us to stop oberving children and to hand in our Learning Journeys, which she will bind and give to the children at the end of term in July. This is still two months away (nearly the whole of the summer term) and the children will change a huge amount in this time. We are still doing a settling in period for the children who joined at Easter so there will be very little for them. We are one member of staff short and her key children have not been observed since the end of March when she left. Is this the us…
Evaluation Sheets
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone. Do you all do evaluation sheets. I have been told I need to do one everyday. Also the planning for a focus.This covers the areas of learning and can give you a guide on the next steps for the children .If you do anything different please let me know Dorinda