Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 11 replies
What a lovely time the children have had today. We didnt have to go far to feed the ducks. We hatched chicks and ducks this year but the ducklings have been the favourite. Soooooooooooo cute
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 3 replies
have today been on a safeguarding children course - was given a list of things that must be included in your policy - 1.the name of person who is resposible for safegurading children in the setting with contact numbers for when that person is not available numbers for the duty child protection team in local social services department 3.the process that individual practitioners should follow if they think a child may be being abused by someone in the setting or elsewhere a child discloses abuse there are concerns or allegation about the behaviour (current or in the past) of a staff member or volunteer towards the children 4.details of how allegations or c…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 6 replies
Hi all. My husband is a computer programmer and is currently 75% through designing and building an online diary, planning, observation and development system linked to the EYFS. I am a childminder and care for 11 children with an assistant, the paperwork is bogging me down and so I asked him to develop this system, I have posted here to get your thoughts on the system which he said he will make available for other childminders and nurseries. Here is the basis of how it works, I would really appreciate your thoughts and any feedback on the way it operates would be extremely helpful to me to ensure he gets it right!! The main operation of the system is that …
Last reply by Steve, -
Using The Digital Camera In Preschool 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
Hi, I wonder if I could ask a favour? I am doing my independent study on the use of a digital camera in the setting and am setting a questionaire for practitioners. Would it be possible for the members of the FSF to complete it for my study? The questionaire is not going to be very long and can be completed and returned via e-mail. All results will be completely anonymous, and I wouldnt use the e-mail adresses for anything else? Any info would be very useful. Thanks Debra Barton STEVE!! I am not sure how to get the questionaire to practitioners - Help please!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Cll/psed Combined Scores
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi - can anybody point me in the right direction for finding some info on combining the data for children who achieve 6+ within CLL & PSED (across all sections) & how this info is used to judge progress & attainment. Many thanksxx
Short Observation Format
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi to you all on this lovley bank holiday weekend. I am doing a training day for staff on observations. I need to give them a format to use for doing long and short observations!!!!! At the momnet no on has ever trained them on what they are expected to put in either and I would like to show them but don't know where to start. Have any of you got a format that you give to new staff of what is expected when writing an observatin???? When reading some they are very narative and not factual. More like short stories....... If say micheal was sat in the sand pit playing with another child. Using his right hand to dig and talking about making a pond. There would …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19956, -
Organising The Reception Day
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all, I know there has been posts on here before about this and I really thought I had cracked it but now I am more confused than ever! How can I organise the day for reception without it seeming to decend into total chaos? At the moment I do phonics whole class, with the exception of a small group who work with the LSA, first thing and then do some input on whatever the focus is with all of them. This often takes us to about 9.40 am. I then try to have 2 adult led focused tasks and give the other children free choice from the continuous provision and other activities which I might suggest they do. One of the problems is that these children just don't know how to play a…
Performance Management Help
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, have my performance management next week and wanted to do a follow on from an observation of some children playing with cars and home made ramps. Thought I would give them a selection of different vehicles and ask them to predict what would travel furthest distance from the ramp. I thought i would challenge their thinking by showing a racing car and a large vehicle and ask them to predict what would go further. The children could record the distance using their choice from string, chalk and other things they can think of. I especially want to show that I am thinking about challenging the more able children as this is a focus for all staff. I would really apprecia…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 8 replies
The children make good progress in Nursery and results at the end of FS are good- therefore that's satisfactory... Got 'done' this week, the inspector used those exact words to explain why we were awarded satisfactory instead of good- does this make sense to anyone?! They said teaching was good, provision was good, activities were suitable, good balance between AI/ CI activities.... but despite everything being described as good we are satisfactory because we operate as a separate Nursery & Reception class rather than a unit and therefore lack the cohesion necessary to support the most able and least able. I know that this is they was FS is going and that's the id…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 6 replies
Good evening all I had internal moderation yesterday and it went fab I have to say. She said that as a way forward and to improve our links with parents we could write our own eprofile handbook of the scale points and what they might mean at home etc. I was wondering whether anyone else has attempted anything similar and was willing to share ideas. I would be very grateful for all comments and when I have completed I will post it on here for others to use. Thanks