Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
by Guest- 4 replies
I work in reception with another teacher and 45 children and have done since September. We share a room and get on very well together. However we are still working on how we should work together and wondered if anyone can share their experiences of how they run things. We would really like to work as one and share planning, divide it up so that we arn't both planning everything seperately. wE have started to twick things but we are still unsure how to organise and run the day etc. wE keep thinking about it and have come to the coclusion that we would like some fresh ideas from different people. Any advice would be great
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9844, -
Confused..... And Needs Advice
by Guest- 3 replies
I'm confused with planning at the moment and although we have a plan of LI to be covered in each term, based on 40 - 60 months, do not have a set idea of how to do it. We are a 4 form entry Infant school so have 120 FS (Rec) children. The topic titles are wide to allow for diviation within them. EG Term 4 is "The natural world" and the children in each of the 4 classes will decide what they want to learn about within that title. We do daily plans to show letters and sounds, teacher directed sessions 10 - 15 mins x3 a day and focus groups working on anything noticed through A4L to achieve next steps. What I'm worried about is how do you show on your planning shee…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 10 replies
Hi Told today we have to do dance beginning in Autumn, then add outdoor games in Spring and then add gym in the summer! This is apparently in line with LEA guidelines. Also have 5 slots of outdoor a week! What do you think. Big problem we don't have continuous flow. Is the required pe times a legal requirement as access to outdoor play is? Seems a lot! Help very much appreciated
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Fantastic Sci Activty Needed
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, We found out today we are having an ofsted monitoring inspection on Thursday next week. It is 18 months since our last one and they are sampling 5% of schools to visit half way through the inspection cycle to check on progress against the issues identified for further improvement. Foundation Stage was graded as good last time and the only key issue that is relevant to us is to raise standards in Science by the end of KS2. I have volunteered to teach a science lesson (not sure why ) on Thursday which head thinks is probably going to be watched. I need something really great and was hoping somebody would have some amazing ideas - I'm in Reception. My to…
- 9 replies
Info searching again!! Making a windy day box for for the outdoor area! Has anyone any ideas? Thought of usual windmills, perhaps plastic bags and string for kites, but brains gone fuzzy approaching half term.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
Post Its And Links To The Curriculum
by Guest- 1 follower
- 15 replies
does any one cross reference their post it observation to the curriculum? e.g under the observation link it to the early learning goal that it supports they have achieved.
Last reply by Helen, -
Boys Writing
by Guest kelh81- 17 replies
Hi, I'm hoping somebody with a creative mind can help me! One of my perfomarnce management objectives is to create opportunities to engage boys in independent writing (in Reception). I was wonderiong if anyone had any brilliant ideas that have worked for them? Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
- 18 replies
We're learning about symmetry this week and I read on here that there are computer programs that have a symmetry tool that symmetrically completes one half of the picture while you draw the other half. The person on the forum said it was in 2simple - I can't find it in 2paint a picture, or on the normal microsoft paint accessory program... can anyone help? It would be a really straightforward way to introduce symmetry to begin with. Thank you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I am sure someone very knowledgeable about the forum will guide me in the direction of a previous topic linked to this! But here goes anyway.... I am in a foundation/reception class and would like some advice on how other people plan! I currently complete a long term plan outlining our topics/texts for the year and a medium term plan which details the developmental matters and activities we may do linked to these. Finally, I then complete daily planning which details our adult leds and child initiated activities. Each session has a different focus so that the 6 areas of learning have equal weighting across the week. I am not sure if this is the right thing…
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I hope you're enjoying the snow. We're thinking of starting a topic of eggs after half term. We are currently thinking about birds and bird watching which the children seem to love and this seems to follow on well. I wondered if anyone had any ideas of things they have done about eggs? Thank you ! Lib