Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
New Framework Literacy Plans
by Guest- 2 replies
hi there new to the site, been looking for some examples of weekly literacy plans for the foundation stage. am new to foundation stage and have become a bit too reliant on the literacy matters and hamilton plans for year two. starting from scratch is seeming very daunting. could anyone share their plans for summer term 1 or 2 just to give me a starting point.....or suggest a site where i could see examples any advice really gratefully received thanks ever so much janer
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
by Guest- 11 replies
My class have expressed an interest in learning about stars, the moon, space (or 'the universe!' as one bright spark described it proudly to everyone else!). Just wondered if anyone has any ideas fo activities to set up (child initiated enhancements I suppose, although if I have set them up they will obviously have been initiated by me .. but anyway, activities for the children to choose to do if they wish!) So far, I have thought of (or borrowed ideas from others!): - supplying black paper and various materials to make space pictures with chalks, playdough for adding planets to space pictures, star printing, blow painting, marble painting with fluorescent paint …
Dissertation Help And Ideas
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone I am quite new to this and am enjoying reading everyones interests. Has anybody got any advice or help - I am doing my Degree dissertation and my current title is: A STUDY TO SUPPORT PARENT PARTNERSHIPS: UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL AND LITERACY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH STORY SACKS. Has anybody got any ideas, I have done a lot of research and am going to give questionnaires to parents of my setting, I am a childminder. Also a questionnaire for practitioners on whether they use story sacks in their setting, perhaps I could post a questionnaire for anybody to complete if they have the time, I see that others have done this and it would be great. Wou…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Mathematical Development Activities......moderation!
by Guest moodia- 5 replies
Hello, Anyone have any good ideas for assessing stepping stone 8 in the FSP for all three mathematical development areas? we are being moderated next month and i'm having a hard time getting to grips with those points! (my first year in reception) any ideas for assesment activities welcome! Moodia
Continuous Provision
by Guest- 14 replies
hello, i'm still tying to get my head around what we are 'supposed' to do! should i be planning for continuous provision enhancements? and how often should I be adding enhancements? does anyone have a planning format for this they could share. hope someone can help me i often have these moments of confusion!!!
- 3 replies
We currently use the Target Tracker system of recording at school in our reception classes and have heard about the "Pocket PC" which takes photos, can be written on, takes sound clips etc and can then be plugged into computer so that its all inputted onto target tacker... wondered if anyone is using them and if they are as great as they sound?! I'm sure I have seen this mentioned on here already but I can't seem to find the discussion!
Police Station Role Play Area
by Guest- 6 replies
Our children have been particularly interested in playing spies and cops and robbers. As a result we've decided to have a police station as our role play area after half term. Any ideas or inspiration would be greatly appreciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4177, -
New Foundation Stage Curriculum
by Guest- 4 replies
hi I have just taken over as foundation stage co ordinator after returning from maternity leave. I have been thrown in at the deep end and desperately need some help with organising planning for september. Is everyone using their old plans or designing a new long term plan. If anyone has any egs that they would share that would be a great help> Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I have a class of 30. 20 being YR and 10 Y1 i am getting really fustrated with my self usually I would start the day with a shared class input then differentiate a literacy activity in 3 ways so that a ta each has a group. at 9:45 we have child intiated. After play we do a maths activity in same way. Then in the afternoon we have phonics and a rotation topic work activites and child intiated. But a ast teacher from another school has suggested doing roational activites with all topics in the morning but i am not sure if they need to be literacy based linked to objective or just various activites. Does anyone else do this zoning? Please help me
by Guest flutter- 10 replies
Hi All. Does anyone know what the expectations from OFSTED are regarding child-initiated/ structured play activities linking to topic. Do all activities need to link? The Inspector we had (not EYs experienced we understand!) seemed to suggest that we should have more activities linked. We had approx 50+%. But find some topics easier than others. Would like to hears the views of those more experienced with Ofsted.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735,