Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I am doing reading and writing numbers next week with my reception class need activitiies to stretch my moat able as coutning items and writing hdown how many are too dry and boring for them. They are able to recognise up to 30 so need some help to stretch them a bit more thanks!!!!
by Guest jane heald- 8 replies
Hi As a whole school we are working on the theme of the olympics for 8 weeks. I have found loads of web sites with lots of ideas for KS 2 but running short of ideas for foundation. We have an opening ceremony and we are linking our sports day to the theme. I f any one else is doing this would love some extra ideas. Thanks Jay
- 2 replies
I posted on here at weekend as we have an ofsted visit on Thursday and HT told me I would probably being observed teaching science. got some fantastic ideas and have done my planning for this. Headteacher then said at 6 last night that inspector wants to watch a Foundation Stage maths lesson My topic this week is three little pigs/houses. Was thinking of introducing 3D shapes as WC carpet session - showing 2D shapes and changing them into fat (3D shapes) using magic. Blowing up balloons to make them fat as detailled in Andreamay's post. As a group activity I then thought about building a house for the little pig using a variety of 3D shapes - do you think thi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Topic On Space
by Guest- 7 replies
Has anyone done this topic with year 1? Anyone got any fab ideas that I could use? thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11549, -
Ideas Please
by Guest- 2 replies
This term i am going to do the book the tiger who came to tea need ideas for literacy activities for a reception class, have thought of the children maybe drawing a picture of who they would like to have tea with and then in kuw looking at healthy eating and the children making their own sandwich using healthy ingredients and also get them in literacy to write a recipe for their sandwich......may be make this into a class sandwich recipe book. But am stuck for more small group literacy activities please help me thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Beats And Rhythms
by Guest- 6 replies
Just had an evening with Ros Bailey!!! Won't sleep tonight thinking of all we can do tomorrow on beats and rhythms and rhymes Wow it is so good to be reminded why we do the job!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Stories And Rhymes
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, Next term I am doing stories and rhymes does not have to be traditional stories but am really stuck for ideas for literacy activities especially individual group activities please help me thanks alot maariya
by Guest- 13 replies
just wanted to say thanks to all of you who come on here regularly for sharing your great ideas, finds and resources. Came home after awful day- too upset to say what at moment, feeling so low and losing confidence, but after 10 mins on here, faith in human nature restored thanks to you lot! Have some great starting points now to go from and can feel the old me coming back already. Thank you again- reminds me that most other teachers are wonderful people and I'm just having bad luck at the moment with my line manager. God bless you all!!
- 6 replies
Hello, Can anyone help. I've left my planning to last minute as had a hectic weekend and now stuck for ideas for child initated activities linking to The Very Hungry Caterpillar - days of the week, symmetry and time for this week. I also plan to include Rosies Walk perhaps, our topic is Ourselves and I'm focusing on position, time and days this week. Healthy eating will be another week, as the Hungry caterpillar will link in very well with that mini theme too!!! I have searched the forum posts and can not find a thread with any activities linking to the Hungry Caterpillar. I apologize if there is one and can anyone point me in the right direction? Many thanks to…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone Am hoping someone can help me - had a quick search and I know there have been lots of discussions about Phase One of the Letters and Sounds but don't think my problem has been covered. In our school I am co-ordinating a phonics programme which is running between three class (my Reception, a mixed R/YR 1 and a mixed YR1/2. We currently have 8 ability groups across the three classes (approx 8 chn in each group) and we have a set time each day when we deliver the phonics. Currently we have one group who are not ready to move onto Phase 2 so are still working through the 7 aspects of Phase One. I know that Phase One is not ideally suited to a discr…