Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 9 replies
Hello All, I know that a similar topic has been raised recently in terms of what to teach and this question is an extension from that. I am an NQT with a Reception class of 30 and experienced ta. I have been following JP and Letters and Sounds and we have reached the end of the JP phonics programme. The question now is how to structure the phonics and literacy; where to go from here? The issue being time during the day. When teaching discrete phonic sessions I have grouped the children according to ability, but this can take up to an hour each day. How do you teach discrete phonic sessions, Literacy also and retain a balanced curriculum? Help!
Eyfs Planning For Foundation Unit
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi i start my new job as teacher in charge of Foundation in January - it consists of 2 reception classes and a 39 place nursery in one big room with dividing doors - potentially 138 children in a day! I've been in a bit and the staff are brill and so are the children so I'm very very excited - I just wanted to pick your brains re planning. At the moment it's very topic led, with a different mini topic happening every week. My gut feeling is to pull back on the play i.e. don't change everything every week and lead towards high quality continuous provision. I just wondered what other people think? i'm also developing an observation/assessment/tracking system as it's ve…
Mirror Writing
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi there everyone, I have a little girl who writes all her letters mirror image and in reverse. She is finding letter formation extremely difficult. I have spoken to her Mum about this and she is concerned that she might be dyslexic. Her reading is a bit "hit and miss", although she can recognise all her letter sounds. Has anyone had experience of this and if so, can you offer me any advice? The little girl in question does in fact have Cerabal Palsy, would you think that the two could be linked? I would really appreciate any help with this. Thanks
Baby Clinic
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi I'm setting up a baby clinic in my themed role play area as a lot of the children we visited last week like playing with 'babies'. Just wondered if anyone knew of any resources for mark making/posters etc which have already been made please? I've looked on sparklebox and primary plan and can't find anything - any other ideas? Thanks! Janine
Tracking Sheet For Elgs
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi there, I wonder if anyone has a good tracking sheet with the ELGs on that I could use. I met with my LEA Advisor today and she seemed to think that it was not enough that I am tracking children's progress through the profile scale points but that I also need to track the attainment of the stepping stones and elgs. Do other practitioners do both? Thank you for your help, I have looked on the internet but I just can't find anything that would be useful and manageable! ABT xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Tracking Writing
by Guest- 11 replies
After a visit from our EY advisor I am interested in how everyone tracks their FS childrens' progression in writing.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
No Egg Gingerbread Recipe
by Guest- 5 replies
hi all does anyone have a recipe for gingerbread men that doesn't contain egg please thanks
Enlivening Stories And Rhymes
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi Folks I am just trying to compile a list of enlivening stories and rhymes as a resource for our sounds and letters file. If anyone has any good ones they can offer I will add them to my list and then attach them as a resource for all. It's great trying to do this at home as your mind just goes completely blank. I will be going through our book shelf when I get to school tomorrow. Thanks in anticipation and enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Anne
Number Rhymes
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi there,does anyone have any known number rhymes with a themed balloon, flying, kites theme linked to additon and subtraction, i guess I could make one up e.g. 10 hot air balloons flying up high etc etc, but just wondered if anyone knew of any. Am doing addition and subtraction this week linked to my superheroes topic?????????????? aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh god bless sunday planning!! cheers
Assessment - Traffic Lights
by Guest jane heald- 5 replies
Hi I have used this site loads but have never posted anything so hope this is in the right place, if not sorry! I am currently working in an ISP school and AFL is a hot topic, as is tracking etc...etc.... I was wondering if anyone uses a traffic light record sheet to record children's progress, red being not understood, amber nearly ...etc. I have used these further up the school a long time ago but I keep hearing this idea being muted in relation to FS. I wondered if anybody was using this system and exactly how they made it work. Thanks H