Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
If you are successfully using this strategy can you tell me how, please? I am still struggling to put this into place!!! I'm missing something, somewhere!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 2 replies
Hi all I am just after a few ideas.... A colleague wants to do the topic of food and farming with our recepetion classes in the summer term..... a long way off I know... However... Have any of you wise people done this as a topic? Can you suggest any good activities? Any good books? Just to give me a nudge in the right direction... and save us looking at a blank piece of paper. We are aware that it is the year of food and farming and of the related website for KS1+. For anyone that is interested. Thanks in advance. Lorna
Timetable And Planning
by Guest- 0 replies
We are two NQT's starting in Reception and would appreciate any advice on planning for literacy and numeracy and how to organise our timetable. We are both trained in early years however finding it difficult to organise our day as we have no guidance on how it was run before we arrived. If anyone has a copy of a timetable on how to incorporate phonics, literacy and numeracy into the day it would be very helpful. Do you normally incorporate phonics into the literacy lesson? Do you circulate all groups of children so they all have an opportunity to carry out each task? Where do you fit in your shared/guided reading and writing? We have created weekly literacy and nu…
Wind And Air!
by Guest- 6 replies
Does anyone have any nice ideas for a mixed foundation / ks1 class to do with wind and air, could do with some nice ideas for finding out, making predicitons and testing materials?? thought initially about letting children find out what the wind can do or not do!! e.g. kites, windmills, bubbles, ribbons etc and large parachute. But then would like some ideas to extend their learning. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.!!! thanks lotte
Planning/activites Help!
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi all, am doing a topic on materials and magnetism with my nursery this year (yr 3 BA training placement), never done it before, has anyone got any ideas. i do have some, but i have several weeks to plan for and am stuck! role play ideas would be of great help too. thanks
People Who Help Us
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, We have recently decided to change topics in our foundation stage unit and one of them is People Who Help Us. Does anybody have any medium term plans to get me started? Thanks
Reception Timetable
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Does anyone have a current timetable they could share with me please? I'm starting as Foundation stage leader of a big foundation unit in January and we're just looking at staff deployment/timetables etc. I'd be grateful if I could see how you are dividing up your week, especially in light of the new framework Thanks
- 3 replies
Hi - is there anybody out there from Birmingham who has undertaken their autumn term assessments for the new Progress Towards The Profile???? I need a bit of clarification if so!!!!!!! My question is - when i am entering my judgements (highlighting on the A$ sheet that was provided with the materials) (Not recieved an electronic version yet??), if i judge that a child has achieved say a 1 and an a/d scale - do i hioghlight all of these for the autumn term ???? Sorry if this seems like a bit of a stupid question but before i go & mess it all up i just need some reassurance that my understanding is right!! (God am i ready for a break!!!!) Thanks in anticipation …
People Who Help Us
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi everyone, Does anybody have any ideas on the topic of people who help us. We are ging to set up a hospital role play and then a vet role play corner. Just need some other fresh ideas.
Help Needed With Planning
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all, I'm new to the forum after a long absence and I am looking for a little help with planning. At current i am a reception class teacher in a single entry Catholic primary school. There is only myself who is foundation stage trained and i am the only FS teacher. What I am looking for is examples of weekly planning and ideas on organising my day. At present I am workng on topics that I have devised as there was no planning left by the previous teacher (although my topics sometimes go off on a tangent due to children's interests). I am also struggling (like so many) with getting the daily balance right between child initiated and adult led activities. This is larg…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623,