Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Promoting Learning ....
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, Can anyone help me please?? I'm trying to locate the promoting learning in.... which are a4 posters for play provision. What adults can do to help us learn in the ...e.g. Role play area. And what children can learn in each area. I have most of them but sem to be missing maths, ICT, water and music. Rather than re inventing the wheel I hope someone can point me in the right direction!!!! Thanks. Steph.
- 11 replies
Please can anyone tell me the words to the rap which begins, "Hey there, big bear, What d'ya want for breakfast - Cornflakes, branflakes, Weetabix or what?" I've got it on a print-out somewhere very safe, and now I need it, I can't find it! Thank you.
- 4 replies
Hi there next week my focus for numeracy will be comparing measures ( capacity, weight and length) but want to make some nice links with little red ridign hood. Thought about some real baking using weighing scales e.g. cakes for grandma etc, also weighing items from red riding hoods basket, which weighs more less etc. does anyone have any new or used ideas i could bring in for length and capacity, thought the ' wht big eyes you have, big teeth you have' etc is a good startign point for mathematical vocab. Any nice ideas, measuring with wolf prints??? can anyone help a tired, frazzled brain???? cheers everyone!
Assessing Letters & Sounds...
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi All... I just wanted to share my new project with you. I've been developing it for the past year. I've piloted it with MUCH success in my school and a friends school and now it's all finished. It's grown so much from what it originally started as, which was just a little spreadsheet I'd developed to help myself assess, group and plan for phonics. As myself and other people have used it, improvements have been made and much has been added... and the end result being what I have today: A tool to help ensure that your phonics teaching is always individualised and always child-centred... also, being a teacher, I'd like to think I know what teacher's need! a…
- 10 replies
Hi! Although I have spent a number of years working in mixed age classes as a TA, this is the first time since qualifying as a teacher that I have had a reception class at the beginning of the school year and I am wondering how soon do others begin to group children by ability? During teaching practice I worked in a nursery and differentiation was achieved by level of support and outcome and at present this is how I am working in my new reception class. I feel I am still building up a picture of my new children and that it would be very early days to make judgements as to ability but what do others recommend? I do have four year 1 pupils in the reception class but the…
Letters And Sounds 1 2
by Guest- 36 replies
Hi I work in a Reception class in an independent school. I am going to start Letters and sounds in Sept and have a few questions! How much of phase one should I cover (for how long) before starting phase two? In the past we have started teaching two letters a week after about two weeks at school. We use Jolly phonics. I am now hoping to start the recommended 4 letters a week but when to start introducing these letters? A lot of our children come into school knowing several letter sounds already so don't want to hold them up it's difficult. Also has anyone set up a weekly plan of how they are going to teach this, that would be really useful! Thanks guys!
Clld Planning
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi :0) New to this forum and still finding my way round and learning how it works - so bear with me!!! :0) Really would like someones help and advice about planning for CLLD sessions. At the moment I do a phonics session and a CLLD input with small group activities. Please could someone tell me what planning they follow that links in with the new framework. I have had a look at the DSC (I think that's what it is) where they give the overviews of the different aspects to cover but there is no time frame on them to suggest how long to spend on each aspect! So do you split it up over the course of the year?? Really confused. So any help, advice would be greatly appr…
Funny Bones
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi there, whilst enjoying whats left of my ppa time!!! just wondering if anyone has any cool fab, new and exciting ideas to use with the book, 'funny bones.' We start planning our new topic next week, titled ' Whats inside?' I hope to look at different feelings and things that make us scared, happy etc. Also good topic for looking at whats inside our body. So thought funny bones was alovely introduction. I have a mixed yr/y1 class and did spend time last year making skeleton pics with art straws, chalk etc on black paper so would really love to do something different? maybe scary sounds to match the story or make a giant skeleton as a whole class???!! if anyone has any …
Performance Managment
by Guest- 2 replies
In my school we are given two whole school targets and we have to come up with one personal one.Can anyone suggest some appropriate ones for recption which wouldn't have to envolve a heavy lesson observation?We do not have to have one in our school linked to % attainment of pupils. I was thinking possibly about improving the social skills of the pupils ie sharing , coopertion, caring for one another !! All ideas greatfully received !!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6593, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Out of interest, what do other people plan to use to track attainment when the EYFS is in place, rather than stepping stones? Or do people tend to just use the profile?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,