Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
So I hope this isn't a silly question. I've got a group of children who are already exceeding some of the ELGs which is great but I'm wondering what I should use to plan their next steps i.e. current learning objectives for Y1s or the new NC Y1 objectives. Does anyone have the answer or have any experience of this. So far I've been a bit ad hoc For example in their reading - I've noticed that they weren't reading with much expression so we've worked on that and then today I felt that their decoding is overtaking their comprehension so I was going to plan next steps regarding that. I suppose I just feel that it should be more systematic. TIA Jayney x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789, -
- 15 replies
Last Friday I had an observation from our advisor. One of the development points is to provide more enhancements for sand and water in the way I might put books or clipboards or whatever in other areas. I am struggling to get my head round this and am having a complete mental blank. What kind of thing do you do? I'm having my usual post-observation slump of feeling like I'm never going to be quite good enough (even though the outcome of the observation was good and there was no really negative feedback) so any hints/tips/ideas will be so gratefully received.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone. I'm pretty sure (but obviously can't make a formal diagnosis!!) that a girl in my class has ADHD. I have been working on strategies to focus her all year but have only recently decided that I'm sure she has this. (I wouldn't say ADHD without being really sure.) I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how to support her in the reception environment. I'm the senco too but haven't dealt with this before and all the info I can find is for older children. To give you an idea, when we sit on the carpet (she now has a chair) she shouts, sings, is distracting to others around her, picks up the chair, swings on the chair, puts her feet over her head, get…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
- 0 replies
Hi! Please bear with me as I try and explain myself.....(!) I am just starting to learn about 'objective led planning' and am very keen on the idea. Currently in my reception class we do a whole class input followed by adult led activities in small groups. Whilst one group are doing the adult led activity the others are accessing the continuous provision, then I call another group over and so on. I know this is probably standard but I really don't like this way of doing things as I feel I'm disrupting the children's high level of play when getting them to do an activity and we never seem to get through all the children and get all the adult led activities done without …
Ipad Apps And Advice For Reception
by Guest- 24 replies
Hi I have just been told that I have been bought a set of 18 ipads for use in my reception class as well as one for me for my own use?!!!! am obviously very excited (don't know where the money has been found for this as we are skint as a school but there must be some sort of grant or fund that our head had applied for) just wondered if anyone is using them in a reception classroom or in early years and what apps you could recommend that I could download onto them. First thoughts are any handwriting formation apps or phonics also would be interested in any apps that allow children to tell a story and it be converted into text. Any advice would be appreciated Deb
Last reply by AnonyMouse_48262, -
Planning Format
by Guest- 5 replies
Can anyone help?? I am in a complete muddle regarding planning I seem to have paper and ideas everywhere that just stress me out! Does anyone have any examples of Reception planning that include phonics and all the other areas of learning?? thank you thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Tracking Analysis
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone I just wondered how everyone is tracking progress and attainment in Early Years? How do you show what the children's attainment is and how much progress they have made?
Objective led planning
by Guest ChunkyMan- 2 replies
Hi, I work with Reception aged children and am seriously thinking about Objective led planning - I have read about it on ABC Does etc and tried to download his planning format example thing but failed!!! Has anyone got any examples of objective led planning proformas as I need to see what it looks like before I embark on my own. Thanks in advance Cx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4869, -
Baby unit planning
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi, I've just started up on this site and wondered if anyone had any ideas for planning or how to feed observations into planning etc, I've recently moved to a baby unit so any ideas specific to that would be great!
Health Visitors 2 year check
by Guest- 6 replies
One of our parents arrived today very concerned following her child's 2 year check with the Health Visitor. During the check the HV asked her child (just turned 2 last week) to 'draw a triangle'. He made some marks with the pencil and paper she had given him, and she then commented that he had 'just scribbled'. I am glad the mum had the sense to ask us if this was right - we were able to reassure her that it is not appropriate for a child this age - in fact that naming a triangle is a goal for 5 years old . However I find it extraordinary to ask this of a 2 year old and so would now love to know exactly what the check asks for. Does anyone have any knowledge to help…