Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Y1 Topics
by Guest- 5 replies
We have an NQT taking over the Y1 class next year. A lot of the themes in there could do with a revamp. Could you possibly give me some ideas of what themes you cover and unless it's blindingly obvious a rough outline of what you cover within those themes. Thank you!
- 0 replies
Hello, I'm looking at the text next week and particularly for my literacy focus. The children are currently interested in volcanoes and this seems like a great adventure/fantasy story to look at with the children. However, I JUST CAN'T THINK OF LITERACY IDEAS!!! Has anyone out there used this book before with Reception/ Y1??? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! (think this half term break has frazzled my brain!) Rachel.
- 3 replies
Hi, I guess there are other NQT worried about their reports this term! I was just wondering if others could share how long it takes you to write the school reports and whether you do it over weeks or weekends? Just trying to get my head around how long its going to take and manage my time Thanks Rachel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5677, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I teach a Reception/ Y1 class and am in my first year of teaching. I have ideas for what my Foundation Stage report will look like but was wondering if anyone could share their Y1/ KS1 reports. Examples of how it is worded... Thank you for the much need help! Rachel.
Working Walls
by Guest- 17 replies
hi -just wondering what people's experiences are of using 'working walls' in the foundation stage - does anybody have any good ways/ideas of introducing them - or any pictures they would be willing to post ?? thanks
- 1 follower
- 31 replies
How? This may seem like a stupid question, it certainly feels like it in asking but this has arisen today and I'd like a consensus of opinion please so that I can judge what to do next.
Assessment Tasks
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi there, Just wondering of others do assessment task for some of the profile points. For some children I don't have have evidence for KUW 6 , knowing other cultures. Do others have any good activities to set up for this.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2760, -
Daily Timetable
by Guest jennystear- 6 replies
I would be very grateful for any ideas/copies of daily timetables anyone can share with me. I would like to move away from a prescribed lit/num hour to a more CIL day but wonder how to fit everything in. ta
Letters And Sounds Document 1 2
by Guest- 46 replies
It is finally available online. 5 copies are going to be sent to each school. I've not had chance to look at it yet.
Duck In A Truck
by Guest- 2 replies
I'm plaaning some literacy activities around Duck in a truck- rhyme based focus- making up silly rhymes from nursery rhymes etc.Anyone used this book for literacy before.Anyone have any brill ideas? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732,