Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Peace At Last Planning
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi has anyone kindly got any planning for literacy based on the book ' Peace at Last'.Thanks.
E Portfolios
by Guest- 21 replies
Wasn't sure if this was the best place to post, but here goes... I've got this idea running round my head at the moment and thought I'd run it past you people. My own son's FS are heavily into observation based assessment and I was really impressed with the report I got after he'd spent 2 terms in Nursery - lots of lovely personal observations, quotes of things he'd said, photos etc (all referenced to the areas of learning - KUW, CLL etc). As a parent I thought this was wonderful (as did he) and it had obviously been done in Microsoft Word. What a huge effort they'd gone to to sort out, type up, insert the relevant photos etc - all on top of an existing massive w…
Problem Solving
by Guest- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I've got to teach 15 f2 chidlren that i've never met before for 30mins focusing on developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems. I've had quite a few ideas ranging from sand/ water, train tracks etc but i need it to be something that 15 children can do at the same time. Has anyone had any good activities that they would like to share with me, as my brain is beginning to turn to mush and i really want to stand out on Tuesday.
Overview Plans
by Guest jstree3- 3 replies
Hi, I really need some help. We are currently changing our topics from Transport & celebrations, weather and Seasons, Minibeasts & growing to Ourselves & Celebrations, Fairy tales & Nursery Rhymes, minibeasts & growing. I would like some examples of an overview plan of fairy tales and nursery rhymes, can anyone help me? thank you in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2202, -
Planning Format
by Guest- 7 replies
As some of you know, I am moving to reception from Yr 6 in Sept. We are having time in staff meeting slot after half term to plan ahead for next year. Our present reception teacher is leaving under a cloud and is not prepared to advise me on formats for medium term plans and to be honest, I don't really want to duplicate her old ones which have not changed in any way for over 6 years. I am so used to planning from Literacy, Numeracy strategies, QCA or LCP etc. I would really appreciate some advice from anyone who thinks they can help. If you have an example of how you do it, that would be great. Thanks in advance. Moisy
Displaying Targets In Class
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi all Throughout school every class has the targets for thier children displayed e.g numeracy and literacy levels to aim for and what to do to reach these levels. The head would like to see these displayed in all classes including reception. I cannot justify to myself a wall/board dedicated to targets that are meaningless to children not yet reading, and have no idea of how to go about trying to make a pictoral representation of the early learnign goals. Does anyone in a reception class have targets displayed and how do they go about it in a way that is usefull for the children? looking forward to your help Julie
Learning Areas
by Guest- 5 replies
I am really trying to get on top of my learning areas. I have made a plan for the different areas in my room. Is it necessary to do this? Opinions would be grateful Learning_Areas_Plan_7.5.07.doc
Fantastic Kuw Activity
by Guest- 6 replies
As part of my performace managment my head is coming in to watch a half an hour KUW activity (either whole class or small groups). With no MT plans in place at the moment then I can do absolutely anything. I just wondered if anyone had anything absolutley fantastic that they had done in the past? It's not for 4 weeks so I can build more or less anything into my planning. Have been reading about the frozen teddy idea with interest. Thanks in advance
by Guest- 2 replies
Please has anyone got any ideas for music to be played in Assembly all week.The children walk into it and listen to it for four minutes.My theme is People who help us.I have looked all through my CDS but have not come up with anything.Please help.
- 8 replies
Just a quick survey to find out how long it takes you to plan. I seem to spend hours and hours without making much progress and I am getting fed up. For example, I have spent over 3 hours today and barely got past Monday. I find planning by myself so frustrating.