Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Phonics Planning 1 2
by Guest- 36 replies
Hi Hope you all have enjoyed the easter break! I am just trying to get back into planning for term ahead! Does anyone have any phonics planning for this term that they would not mind sharing? I have used Cat's plans before but now need some for summer term! Many thanks KT X
Help - Apparatus Lesson Ob
by Guest- 3 replies
I am being observed the week after next for half an hour during my apparatus session by the head as part of our performance magament. Anyone got any super ideas - I don't just want to do anything - I want it to be a real WOW lesson if you know what I mean? I currently do apparatus in groups moving round the apparatus; Me telling a story as children act it out on apparatus (already done bear hunt, etc) and children being able to move around on any apparatus freely as they wish. I think I am favouring either the story or children moving freely however need a good idea. Not sure if I would read the story though as this prob wouldn't give him enough to observe. There is …
- 2 replies
Hi I left my copy at school and just wanted the words for Mashed potato by Helen McGregor from Bingo Lingo Thanks in advance
- 5 replies
Hi, I have a question for reception teachers; Do your group activities in literacy always tie in with your whole class activities? My numeracy whole class and group activities link in together, eg, if I am doing one more and one less, the majority of my groups will be working on this, at their own level. The thing is, I have always worked my literacy differently so that each group is working towards objectives and outcomes that may not have been addressed in my whole class literacy input. In other words, I have often treated the whole class input and the group work as separate lessons, to a certain extent. There are some elements that are linked but on the whole,…
My Cat Likes To Hide In Boxes
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi there, Just wondering, as part of our topic about animals we are learning about looking after and caring for pets. We set up a vets last week and the children have thoroughly enjoyed it, they really got alot out of it and some fantastic speaking and listening/ vocabulary extension. I would highly reccomend! Next week my literacy objective ( I have a Y1/YR) class in poetry; have ordered the above book and once saw some fantastic planning for this on a course!! can not find notes, just wondered if anyone has any planning ideas etc etc. I am also going to be making labels for my vets this week but if anyone has already done them I would be greatful!! I will…
The Reception Day. Fao Mookie
by Guest- 4 replies
Thanks for your reply Mookie, and the plans. By formal, do you mean that I have everyone working on group work at the same time? It's funny, every reception class I hear of is so different and its also funny that I have never looked at my system as formal before. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being bitchy and I don't mind it being pointed out but I suppose I've never really thought of it like that before. The nursery do their small group activities at the same time and I was just following suit really. In the afternoons, I have some children doing an activity related to my topic and other children involved in child initiated play, is this what you mean? What does yo…
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi there, after two weeks of not thinking about school, my brain is now in sunday evening mode; PLANNING!! introducing my new topic ' animals,' tomorrow and beginning with looking at our pets. I thought it wuld be nice to make a class pictogram about most popular pet??? I have a class of Y1/YR; how is it best to differenentiate pictograms at this level? do I need to? thought we would do it as a whole class then maybe my more able could find out the most popular pet in another class?????would a sorting activity be better for my younger ones???? e.g. sorting animals in a tray with 2, 4, 6 legs???? has anyone got a pictogram to share or best ideas at this late stage in th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, Being from the generation of teachers who was trained in planning individual subject blocks, I am struggling with adapting to topic-based planning and desperately need some help. I think I have the medium term planning sorted, but translating this into weekly/daily plans is leaving me unstuck. My HT wants me to continue to plan for and teach Literacy and Numeracy separately, which obviously take a large chunk of the timetable. I think I am trying to include too much on one sheet, and have not left enough room for other areas. What do you think? (I have attached my work in progress for review) I must add also, that I teach a mixed KS class of 8 …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Maths Medium Term Planning
by Guest- 3 replies
I have a request and I hope its not too cheeky. I would like to look at someones elses Summer term medium planning for maths if its possible. I work on my own so its difficult to know the right objectives to be covered this term. I use the NNs to help with planning. Hope someone can help Laura
Does Planning Really Meet Children's Needs?
by Guest Alix- 5 replies
Has anyone read 'Close attention: It's time to ask whether all the investment in and planning for early years care and education is helping to achieve what young children really need?' by Kathy Goouch , in Nursery World magazine 22 march 2007. I would be interested to know what you think if you have read this critical article. If you have not I am sure you have stuff to say from your experience of planning to meet targets in the FS classroom. Are you feeling stressed by having to be accountable for children's unrealistic attainment? My Head would like 85% of my reception children to achieve a 1b in their profiles (level 8 in profile points). Are we beginning to miss…