Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 9 replies
Hi I was wondering if any of you out there had a example of a targets list that you can highlight areas of C.L.L. , M.D. and P.S.E.D for parents on parents evenings to help promote and encourage parental involvement in their children's learning. Does any one use this format as I've been asked to create such a idea and not sure where to begin. Would be very greatful for any suggestions. Many thanks everyone.
Assessing Writing In Year 1
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi Does anyone have any useful documents, exemplars or anything really! for assessing childrens writing at 'around level 1'???? especially breaking into level 1a,b, c etc We use target tracker and have just been looking at Strategies for immediate impact on writing standards, but I would welcome any ideas Thanks Jane
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Bonfire Night
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all, Missed you (computer was down & out) Has anyone got some good educational links for IWB re: bonfire night suitable for Reception? Inter active games etc. ? (tired NQT who admits they haven't looked on www yet - pc sorted .... but functioning v...e...r...y..slowly!) Skylight
Sand And Water
by Guest- 4 replies
I am trying to replan all our sand and water activities. Previously we had a 4 week plan for water, dry sand and damp sand with something different in each day. I want to simplify it by having the same equipment in for 2 days therefore extending the children`s learning and extending their thinking. Has anyone got any plans to share that could be a starting point for me?
Hertforshire Schools Assessment Sheets
by Guest teapotwhat- 6 replies
Hi all. I've just been looking on the net to find some new assessment ideas. Ended up on Hertfordshires grid for learning. There appears to be extensive assessment and tracking sheets. unfortunatley you need to be in a Hertfordshire school to access them. Is there anyone who has a copy? Are they any good??
Learning Walks
by Guest- 7 replies
Does anyone carry out learning walks at their school. we are starting to do them when observing other classes instead of using the normal obs sheets. If you do has anyone got a proforma which I could have a look at- sitting here trying to come up with a format to use. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Shared Reading
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Everyone, I need your advice yet again! As some of you probably know I work in an FSU- its lovely but we only have 1 teacher for YR and currently have 43 children in YR- too many to have a meaningful carpet time session as one whole group. However, I am lucky to have 2 very experienced NNs working with me so it is really not so much of a problem. We have organised the children into 3 key worker groups for carpet times which is working really well but I have not got 3 copies of each big book, usually only one, that we want to focus on and we only have 2 carpet sessions a day to fit in Shared reading/ writing and MD. I am therefore struggling to fit in sh…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Coverage Of The Ss's & Elg's
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello, As the FS co-ordinator I am looking to ensure that myself in Reception and the Nursery teacher are sufficiently covering each stepping stone and ELG throughout the year. I was thinking of putting together a table with the SS's and EL:G's accross the top and then we can write in each HT we cover a certain one. However though I'd check whether anyone has already done something similar to save me some time??!! Emmax
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Adult Initiated Activities
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi ya, am a bit confused having been to a meeting this afternoon . Would anyone be willing to share the adult initiated activities they had available this week? I don't think what I call adult initiated is open ended enough and would really like to re think this part of my planning for next term. Thank you
Literacy Medium Term Planning
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, does anyone know where I can find the primary strategy literacy medium term plans, just been on Primary Strategy site with came up with a blank, Thanks