Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Will It Work?
by Guest- 5 replies
In september we will have 38 children in our reception unit. Last year we did 6 focus activities a week. We also changed reading books once a week and heard sounds and readers once a week. 3 sessions were taken from the classroom to use in the hall (this was made compulsory by the head) and 1 afternoon was spent in the ICT suite. We also had free flow outdoor play. Last year we found that so much was being left unfiished as we were cramming too much into the week. This year we are considering doing the following to allow more time for observation. Week 1 Doing 3 focus activities i.e Lit, KUOW, Physical Observation at activites which are not focus areas i.e…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Job Share Help Please!
by Guest- 14 replies
Discovered this website last night, already learnt a great deal! Myself and my job share partner (of 2 years) are moving into Reception in September for the first time! We are trying to get our heads around the planning (I have found some great ideas on this site). I was wondering if anyone would be happy to share their experiences or thoughts on job shares in a Reception class. At the moment it feels like we are going to have to do more planning and meet far more frequently than in KS1 which might feel like we are both back working 5 days again! Any help on splitting planning or areas would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks Heather
Medium Term Planning
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi It is my understanding that Medium Term Planning is being discouraged in the new EYFS. Can i ask what will people do instead? We have our long term plan which says topics/themes and how we will cover it, but I'm worried Ofsted will come and criticise. Please help. I want to do what we should do but obviously i worry that i'm missing something out! Any ideas? Cheers
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
New Plans
by Guest- 3 replies
We have just changed our planning to a 2 year cycle and would be grateful if anyone could share their planning they might have. Here are the topics Ourselves Road safety Materials Festivals Toys Bears Light/dark Seasons/times Growth and new life Transport/journeys Food and celebrations. Some are new to us in the Foundation stage because of falling numbers we are having to also link with year 1 - continuing the learning journey!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Baseline Assessment And Value Added
by Guest- 4 replies
Our school have been using PIPS computer based assessment to show value added (no benefit to children). I want to move away from this but wondered what else to do instead. We take children from around 13 different pre school settings so evidence of achievement on entry is not always standardised. What assessments do others use and how can you have hard evidence at beginning and end of year?
by Guest- 13 replies
Hiya, just wondering what everyone uses as regards to the profile booklet, Do you use and fill in the booklets or do you use your own tick sheet?
Quick Checklist Sheet
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi does anyone have any ideas about a check list to ensure a variety of observations are being carried out on individuals in a variety of areas. Its difficult to put into words when I don't really know what I want!! We have decided that we will keep children's work, observations etc in a profile.... (Sugar paper scrap book) and I need a tick list type chart for each child so as I can see at a glance if there are areas of learning that I haven't got observations for. But i don't know whether to go for a specific elg say 'mathematical development' or whether I should opt for class areas i.e 'book corner, computer etc'. Sorry if this sounds confusing, but my mind is boggl…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
What's That Book Called?!?
by Guest- 5 replies
Our topic next term is bears- We are looking at the books 'The Lost Teddy' and the book where the bear goes so space in a cardboard box - oh what is it called???????!!! Anyway if anyone has any ideas for activities to go alongside these books or any plan they would like to share for inspiration they would be gratefully received!
Mathematical Development Assessment
by Guest- 1 reply
Does anyone have a proforma for assessing mathematical development upon entry to Recption Year?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Fao Kat
by Guest- 21 replies
Kat We need you! You have impressed many of us with the phonic planning you recenlty posted in this area. A few of us have been waiting with baited breath fou the up to date plans for last half term and summer term you mentioned you might post. Sorry for being so cheeky Kat but they were so fantastic. (im really sucking up now!!") Lola.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776,