Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Pe Scheme
by Guest- 12 replies
Does anybody have any brilliant schemes of work for PE: gymnastics, dance and games as my head would like me to teach a daily lesson as from September. I want to find a dance scheme that actually provides the music. At the moment I use top start. Thanks very much.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Handa's Surprise Literacy Planning
by Guest- 6 replies
Has anyone got any nice literacy ideas for Handa's Surprise? I am using this book for an observed lesson and I would ideally love to use my IWB if I can think of something good. I have thought of sequencing, listening to a tape of story, puppets, masks and role play fruit shop. If anyone has done this book for literacy and wouldn't mind sharing what they did I would be most grateful.
We Got The Call Ofsted In On Wednesday
by Guest tinkerbell- 14 replies
The call came today.One inspector she will come on Wednesday /Thursday. My head said I should be ok as she is Early Years! I don't know if thats a good thing or bad thing!!! Tinkerbellx
Assessment In Fsu
by Guest- 11 replies
I'm sure this has been asked before but does anyone know of an assessment format which tracks progress against stepping stones/ELGs and profile statements in the same document. I'm sure I've seen one before (made on computer not commercially produced). Next year we will have a FS Unit (with chilldren just turned 4 and Reception children) and don't want ot end up filling in two lots of assessment which we have to at the moment. Our FS co-ord is happy to change it as long as I can find something that works. Any ideas? I think I've seen something on here before which we can easily highlight as the children achieve them. Thanks Kelly
Planning For Childrens Interets!
by Guest- 11 replies
Hello i am new to the forum - actually just joined! I am starting a new job in september as foundation stage manager and theres lots of changes to be made! the one i am struggling with is planning - nursery / rec are planning from topics - we want to incorporate childrens interests more but just dont know how to go about it in the planning has any one got any ideas ..... ???? please xx
Daily Plans - Again!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Have seen various discussions about use of daily plans and am now totally convinced (and luckily so are my school) that they are the way to go (more flexibility to respond to assessments / children's interests etc). But, can't find the examples I saw a while ago. Please can someone add theirs? Ideally need it by Friday because we have INSET day to look at exmaples and decide how we'll do it. Also. I've made one up myself to show FS co-ordinator, just in case I can't find any and wondered if people could say what they think. It looks detailed but plan to only write breifly etc or type up as we plan. (Is for new FS unit so has two bits for each carpet session…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Observation, Assessment And Planning
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Guys, With the end of term looming im thinking of the start of the new term and would like to change the way we observe children e.g focused, how we then assess what those observations tell us and then how this knowledge informs planning. How do you do this? At the moment we have informal chats but i think we are being lead by the topic not by what the children need. How do you observe the children? Do you plan for this? Can anyone point be in the direction of any good articles or books? My observations are often spotted things written on sticky labels, i would like to other forms of observation but i dont know where to start! Thanks for any help.…
Stimulating Starting Points!
by Guest- 18 replies
We've been asked to organise visits and visitors for starting points next year (Recption) Obviously the cost factor needs to be low or local! Last year there was a visit to a zoo, but staff felt this did not really appeal to the children ( ) The outline of topics (per term) are : All about us, Special times, Weather, People who help us, In the garden, Out & about I can think of all sorts of 'stuff' but thought I'd throw the ball into the court to bounce some ideas about! Has anyone done anything that has been partically successful or unusual that has caught children's imagination? For example I know of one school that has their own garden & grow their …
- 12 replies
Help, seem to be drowning in my planning. I can never think of enough ideas to keep them all occupied and I am not very sure how to move them on in certain areas. I am an NQT in Reception but don't have another FS colleague to work with some am just doing what I think works using some Medium Term plans. I am always last minute with plans and feel like I am losing my class a bit as they are not properly stimulated. They are quite a challenging class who find it very difficult to listen even for short periods and can't seem to work on activities/play without speaking at high volume so it does make focused work really hard. I would be grateful for an idea of what should…
Aims And Learning Objectives
by Guest- 5 replies
One of my staff is currently training and in her planning has to identify both the aims and the learning objectives of an activity. The rest of us are struggling to differentiate between the 2. Can anyone clarify. thanks Al