Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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by Guest- 3 replies
My phonics teaching is boring me to tears so i can only imagine what my poor children are feeling. I have covered all the 42 sounds and still need to work on blending and segmenting with the children but I am fed up of the same activities. I always start the session by revising the sounds previously taught and try to make this fun by using the sand timer some times. We also sing the jolly songs cd. I then tend to either focus on blending or segmenting. Would love to hear what others are doing. What activities do your children love to do?
- 12 replies
Hmmm.... at the end of each section of our reports (there are 6 sections - one for each area) we have been 'asked' [read 'told'] to put a statement about where the children is in comparison to where they should be nationally. Either: Peter is working above expected outcomes for CLL; Peter is working at the expected outcomes for CLL; or, Peter is working below the expected outcomes for CLL. I'm persoanlly 'a bit' [read 'extremely'] miffed. To have a child coming to their end of their first year in school and then for them to be told they're already working below expected outcomes. All of a sudden the Foundation Stage has stopped becoming a means for indi…
Teaching The O'clock Times
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could help me with some ideas with teaching time to reception age children. We have just done lots of work on sequences, and on looking at the days of the week, day and night, Mr Wolf's week, and are now moving on to looking at the O'Clock times. I was going to start with a shared reading book of 'My first big book of time' which shows the clock times, and ask the children to do a collage of things that tell the time. I know there are some clock faces on the interactive board which I can use, and I have some blank clock faces for worksheets. I was also going to look at their day, e.g. at 9.00 we come to school, at 12.00 we ge…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Transition Yr To Yr1
by Guest- 2 replies
just sorting out transition for reception to yr one. our yr 1 teachers want to organise their day as reception do. This as with most things is easier said than done. Has anyone got any really good tips on how year one have handled it so far? Thanks Chris
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi can anyone share with me which schemes of work / books etc you use to teach music, I currently use music express and often find i run out of ideas, would like to know what other people use, cheers
End Of Year Report Statements
by Guest- 12 replies
it's report writing time (how sad am i doing my reports at half term?!) and i was wondering if any one had a bank of statements they could share? i used to have a really good bank of statments last year , but i lost them in the move from year 3 to reception. I would really appreciate any help as i'm finding it so hard to think of different and positive adjectives!! Thank you, catherine.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Is anyone using foundations for literacy (sue palmer and ros Bayley), I just really wanted to know how you incorporate it into your planning and what format your plans take? I'd be really grateful to hear from anyone as it seems like an excellent scheme-any info gratefully recieved! jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 11 replies
Yet another query from me - sorry! I just wondered how many of your adult directed/initiated activities you differentiate. At the moment I differentiate my MD and CLL activities but then for the other areas I tend to plan an activity which addresses an area of need for certain children but all of the children do it. Is that okay or should I be differentiating that too? I also sometimes just do activities because they're worth doing i.e. they might be interesting, widen children's experiences or just be...dare I say! Is that bad? We're expecting Ofsted anyday and I'm getting my knickers in a real twist over this. I made the mistake at reading some Ofsted r…
- 5 replies
As I am still training I am having to follow someone elses long term plan and for next term she has chosen topic of Plants and Animals. How would you split this down into more managable learning chunks. Ive thought we could focus on a different type of animal every week but so far only come up with; PETS FARM ANIMALS SEALIFE ANIMALS NOCTURNAL ANIMALS (ALTHOUGH NOT SURE CHILDREN WILL UNDERSTAND THIS) WILD ANIMALS MINIBEASTS And im not sur how to incorporate plants into this. any help would be appreciated! thanks jo
Fair Trade Week
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello all, After the hols we are haveing a whole school 'fair trade' week. I am just a bit stuck for exciting ideas. I've looked on the website and ordered a few leaflets etc but not too sure how accessable they will be for YR.... Any ideas would be very appreciated. Emma
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73,