Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Organisation Of The Day
by Guest- 9 replies
We are still quite formal in our school, and as a reception teacher I am very keen to change that. How does everyone else organise their day? We have got to get outside too of course, but we are quite a small unit and lack the 'manpower' to be outside everyday.
Australia And The World Around Us
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello everyone, Recently we have had a child leave our setting for a years stay in Australia with her family. We have stayed in contact with her and would like to involve the children more with understanding where she has gone to. Please could anyone forward me any medium term planning or ideas about a topic on Australia and also any other countries they may have focused on. Thank you in advance, I'm really grateful for any help. Boogie x
- 0 replies
Hi there everyone, just a quick question really - I hope someone can help. After a recent visit from our early years advisor, I have changed my organisation and planning so that I have 1 focused activity and 1 related independent activity which are set out on separate tables e.g. a literacy focused and a literacy independent activity for morning session. (I had 3 related independent activities before!) I make sure that all groups do both activities. I then have other independent activities in continuous provision areas which the children may choose to do. E.g. write a healthy menu for the role-play area. The children have access to all continuous provision when they are…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
Sun Care Week
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, this coming week we have a 'sun care' week - has anyone any brill ideas I may be able to use. I have thought about making sun hats, but that's as far as I've got!!! Thanks. Chris
Snail Song - Help Please!
by Guest- 9 replies
Does anyone know any snail songs or poems? Thank you!
Poems In Literacy
by Guest- 5 replies
Im really stuck on this- Im looking for a couple of poems about animals to use in literacy with reception next week. Can anyone help?
Alphabet Tune
by Guest- 7 replies
What tune do people use to sing the alphabet? I have used 'Twinkle, Twinkle' previously but dislike the way that 'l, m, n, o, p' gets all squashed together!
The Runaway Chapati
by Guest- 3 replies
I am using the Runaway Chapati in literacy next week and am really struggling to think of any good focussed activities that I can use to display at the end - help! Matilda
Outdoor Provision
by Guest- 5 replies
Just intersted to know how others staff outdoor provision. From September we would like to set up a free flow system with children being able to chhose between the two. Our early years advisor has previously said that there should always be an adult working with the children outside, but we have found that sometimes we can prohibit the children's play. Our head says there is no reason why an adult should be outside as we have a good view (lots of windows and glass doors). We thought we may have an adult working outside for first few weeks to establish safe practice and handling conflicts and then maybe allow the children to play independently choosing from activites for e…
Honest Opinions Please
by Guest- 9 replies
please could you give me some advise about this new planning format for reception. i am trying to scrap the literacy and numeracy plan and use this with all the areas on. it fits around each area i do each day to make it easy for me to follow. it will be the only weekly plan i do apart from an area plan. is it detailed enough? do i need to stepping stones on it? PLEASE BE THRUTHFUL, I WONT CRY! if its rubbish could you suggest an alternative or ways of changing it. many many thanks weekly.doc