Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Observed By Head!
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi just wondering if anyone has any great ideas for a lesson. I teach reception and at the moment our head is observing each teacher for one lesson. It is my turn next week 2nd May! It can be anything at all CLL, MD, KUW etc and I am stumped for ideas! Our topic is messengers and change (ive incorporated growth and lifecycles into this) and would appreciate any ideas for a lesson approx 1 hour including input and child initiated activities also one adult directed activity. ANY ideas grately appreciated.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 1 reply
When completing my profiles last term I was struggling to fill in the culture statements for my children, sensitive to others beliefs etc can you help by telling me what you base your judgements on for these types of statements and what activities you specifically plan to ensure your children meet these points
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Toy Workshop Roleplay Ideas
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi there, it is getting to the end of half term and my mind is going utterly blank!!! next term's topic is toys, am setting up an old toy workshop themed roleplay..was thinking of having different types of toys the children could look at and investigate and maybe a workshop themed activity e.g. can you make a wooden toy? can you make a toy that moves? can you make a puppet? would you have these changed weekly or all at once so children can choose??!!! inspiration and ideas needed.....HELP!!
Usa Help
by Guest- 5 replies
As our whole school topic we are looking at USA using a geography/KUW focus for the first half term & then history/KUW focus next half term. I have a reception/year 1 class and I am really struggling for ideas. I can only so far link it with stepping stone "show an awareness of the wide world" for YR. If anyone has any ideas for activities/useful websites for this I would be really grateful.
Guided Reading
by Guest- 15 replies
Hope someone can help!! I've been told to prepare Reception children for Y1 by introducing guided reading - which I have from Christmas with my Nursery Nurse. However, children are at such different stages on the ORT scheme we use that Im finding it difficult to match texts to a group and also to group the children. I would appreciate any ideas or any feedback as to how you do reaing in your setting Thanks!!From angela
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi there does anyone have any good ideas/ suggestions of adult led and child led activites for the topic myself that you could inspire m with? i no there are so many things you can do but its nice to hear fro the horses mouth what they did and that it worked or maybe didnt?! any ideas/ suggetsions grately received! xx
Maths Help Please
by Guest- 3 replies
does anyone know where i can find numeracy medium term plans, i want to cut and paste into my planning?
- 3 replies
Currently when planning we have some child inititated activities, some directed- where we plan an activity wehich we would like all children to have a go at put do not always put an adult there and do not assess. We also have our focused PSHE, Lit, Num, Phys, KUOW and creative activities. My question is how do you balance your activites. Do you have an equal number of Child ini. and directed?
Toys Topic
by Guest- 6 replies
any ideas that have worked really well for this topic? under any of the areas? thanks jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Name Games
by Guest- 6 replies
We have a new pupil starting with us this term and I wanted to play some simple name games to familiarise him with the children in the class. Does anyone know any good simple songs/games to play to do this. Thanks