Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 10 replies
Hi, This year as past of the moderation of FSP I am being observed doing a PE lesson for an hour. I have never been through a moderation before so I am feeling quite worried! PE is not my strong point by any means! I just wondered if anybody had any great ideas for warm up/down activities and main activity ideas? I did wonder whether to do a rotation of activities so that the moderator could see them doing a range of skills e.g. 1. Ball skills 2. Ballancing along benches 3. Tables and mats to observe jumping 4. Beanbags and quiots - exploring as they wish 5. Mats to show different ways of travelling. I seem to be having a real mental block on this at the mom…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Pay And Points/scales And Tlrs!
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello, currently working in London and am looking to move to Cheshire. Application forms obviously ask what you are being paid - Do I need to say which UPS I'm on as well as scale point and TLR point? Adverts from up north seem very confusing some quoting MPS, CPS and I've only seen one offering a poss TLR point. Why dont all schools quote the same pay scale?Its dawned on me I have been very well paid as part of recruitment and retentn (and obviously because am fab at my job ha ha!) as some Cheshire schools seem to get real value for money out of you for apparently nothing. Poss feeling a bit spoilt. Please help!!!! (you could offer me a very well paid job if your from …
Marks & Spencer The Everyday Book
by Guest tinkerbell- 1 reply
Marks & Spencer The Everyday Book this book is worth the £6. It has 100 activities for children 5+ ( I think younger children with adult help could have a go at most of the activities).Lots of recyclable things to do outside as well. Tinkerbellx ps i think Ive posted this on the e-profile and dont know how to delete it sorry!
Long, Medium And Short Term Plans
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, I'm still training to be a teacher but qualify in july all being well! I've only really seen the plans that the class teacher has done adn dont find I can work with them that easily. CAn anyone post an example of their long term plan and how they link that to their medium term and again how they use this in their short term plans? And when they do eeach one, ie long term plans presumably in the summer although once they are done I guess thats it, then meduim term ones 2 terms before and short term a term before??? any advice gratefully received! thanks jo
by Guest- 17 replies
I have a WHOLE load of questions about writing! * How often do you do writing as one of your focused activities? * Would you aim that, when you 'do' writing, ALL of your children would write? * What do you write? * How much help do you give the children? * What outcomes do you expect? * What can your lower/middle/high ability children currently do? * How long does your writing take? * Do your children feel confident to write as part of their independent play? If so, how many? (a rough percentage will do!) I'll probably think of some more questions but this will do for starters!
Visual Target Setting
by Guest- 5 replies
Hey all. School is revisiting the 'target setting' being displayed in classrooms. I have target boards that are mainly for adults/parents to look at and children are made aware of most of them in child friendly ways. Discussions with fellow Reception teacher saw us discussing her idea of having visual display of pictures in order for children to be able to point to their target (as it is easier when they can't read the target statements). Am wondering whether any of you actually have any bright ideas as to how to make the picture ones, whether you have them already or whether you have any ideas, or whether you have a successful target setting set up in your classro…
Assessment For Creative Dev
by Guest- 0 replies
hi i was just wondering if anyone has a format, other than e profile and the profiles themselves for keeping assessments for childrens progress in art/ physical dev. I am thinking of some whole class / group sheet where i can tick off / make comments about their progress starting from basic colour mixing to ability to talk about pieces of art work. ??? does anyome know what i am talking about?? I do a focused activitiy sheet for my activities and seem to have lots of lit / num focused sheets but very few for physical dev and creative ?? maybe thats just bad management on my part???? help!
Toys Mtp
by Guest- 1 reply
does anyone have any mtp's for toys topic next term?? Ideas, planning, activities, books and stories??? thanking you.....
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
More Work For Us All!
by Guest- 8 replies
Im back on the foums after a while of moving house and getting myself organised! Came bak into ask the question it seems everyone is talking about! My head has asked me to look into producing a baseline/entry assessment for our F1s tht not only can be used to show value added in the FS but that can also predict what we think y2 will achieve in their SATS! hELP! What can we do about all of this I know that my head will not be satisfied with it cant be done or there is no way of knowing! Others must be looking into this as well we need more discussion on this! Thanks for your help
Rhyming Activities
by Guest- 8 replies
I have finally decided to concentrate on rhyming for my observation next week as my children are finding this difficult. I have found a powerpoint on rhyme I can use but I am stuck for a grp activity. I have done rhyming lotto with them before but this is too difficult for most. I would really appreciate any ideas for small group work. Both myself and the TA will be working with focus groups so I need two ideas really. I would love to hear what others have done when they focussed on this. Please help. Matilda-x-