Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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People Who Help Us
by Guest- 11 replies
Next terms topic is planned to be People Who Help Us (both in school and in the community.) Really need to be inspired with some new activities especially in designing and making and investigation and exploration. In fact in all 6 areas of learning. Can anyone out there help me with some ideas? Thankyou!!!
Birthday Train
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi everyone I want to make a birthday train for nursery with each carriage a month of the year. just wondered if anyone has a template i can copy. feeling really lazy with lots of christmas things to get done as well
by Guest- 0 replies
I've found the Norfolk site really useful for MTPs for Reception. Does anyone know of any sites that do similar schemes for Nursery? It would be nice if we could introduce them to accompany the Reception ones we have. Any inspirational ideas? Thanks!
Daily Plans
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone Can anyone help me by sharing day plan format that you do. I like doing day plans and would find it very helpful to see other formats for reception classes. Many thanks Laura
Outdoor Planning
by Guest- 3 replies
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! I know there have probably been lots of previous discussions so please forgive me if i am going over old ground, but some clarification is needed with regards to the scope and breadth of outdoor planning, what is right or wrong, what is enough, what are ofsted looking for??? At present, i changed my outdoor focus daily to reflect the focus of learning inside, i.e on a monday the focus is numercy, tuesday it is literacy, wed - physical dev, etc. Previously I was having a mirror like situation happening, whereby outdoor I had a markmaking area, sand, water, a book corner, outdoor roleplay, small world etc, etc; Both head and myself felt that this …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Number Activities For Nursery
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Wondering if anyone could help me with suggesting any fun and creative activities for 'counting and number recognition. I am changing my role play play area next week into a party factory leading into xmas. Iam being observed on Wednesday and trying to think of some different number activities linking to this or kites. Thought of counting candles onto cakes and more able to find the number to match. Just need a little inspiration. Is going to be a muddle of a week. (Blue Balloon topic, so making kites too!) Thanks in advance. Nina
Bottom Up Or Head Down!
by Guest- 4 replies
I went on a cluster group inset today - yippee! My cluster is very keen on the 'Learning Journey' approach and had invited some schools from Gloucester to talk about their approach to the creative curriculum. We had to split into key stages and the person who was leading the foundation stage discussion bases her plans on a very tight central theme; the example given was 'Cinderella and her Asian Prince'. From here children focus on Asian food and clothing, writing invitations and so on. Lots of the medium term plans I have seen previously have had a very broad central title e.g. 'Transport' or 'Animals' and then diversify out into different sub-topics e.g. 'Transp…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Groups In Reception
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi, I have not yet grouped my children and tend to call them for activities when I see they are not engrossed in another activity. However, I am beginning to feel groups may be a better way of organising things. Has everyone else grouped their chn? If so, do you have different groups for literacy, numeracy and also foundation type subjects? I'm also worried that I am being to informal as apart from the groups working with an adult the remaining chn are allowed to free play. Is this ok or should I be directing them more? Can you guess I'm an NQT!
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anyone have a medium term plan for christmas that they wouldnt mind sharing? thanks
- 23 replies
Hi folks is there anyone out there that can help me. I have a very young, very boistorous reception class this year and they are very quickly wearing me down They seem not ready to access the activites that I have put out for them to support our whole mornings of Cll and Md and need more free unstructured play based activites like in nursery. However, I don't really want to have the cars out all the time which is what many of them want (the noise level is unbearable) Can anyone share their own practise as to how they are organising their days at the moment and coping with this type of cohort? thankyou in anticipation