Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Our Senses topic
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone our next topic is 'Our senses'. Anyway i'm struggling to get started (probably because I haven't been led to it by the children but that is out of my control). Any ideas to inspire my planning? Also any ideas for the role play area would be greatly appreciated The 2 main objectives I want the children to be focusing on are: adding 2 numbers by counting on in their heads and children attempting phonetically plausible more complex words during child initiated time. But any ideas would be appreciated as I also have an observation by an advisor looming. Thank you in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37605, -
Literacy in Reception
by Guest bell89- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi all, I am an NQT in reception and am struggling with my literacy planning at the moment. We are required to do 2 guided writing sessions and 1 guided reading per week in addition to guided maths sessions. We do a daily phonics session but I am unsure whether I should be doing a discreet 'literacy' whole class input in addition to this? We currently focus on a story book each week linked to our topic (eg. at the moment we are doing a 'winter' topic so each week we focus on a wintery themed story). I spend one carpet session reading the story and discussing the characters etc. We then do guided writing with the children during the latter part of the week, which begins …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37605, -
- 2 replies
- 1.2k views I'm interested in hearing your views on this.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_47865, -
- 0 replies
Is there anywhere on this site that lists popular sites for chn to access?? I'm new to the site and to my new nursery class. My new school have agreed to installing an IWB and was hoping to develop a bank of web addresses great for chn to dip in and out of. Also so I can point parents in the right direction. We have iPads in the class too which chn are encouraged to use thanks in advance
spaceman costumes
by Guest- 6 replies
Can anyone recommend any reasonably priced, spaceman/astronaut costumes for our role play area? Looking for something robust that can withstand play by 60 boisterous four year olds! Thank you.
Number Workshop for parents
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, I'm hoping to create a number workshop/information evening for FS2 parents. Has anybody done this successfully? Everytime I start to think about it I'm worried the parents will be bored. Essentially I want to offer parents ideas of how they can support their children at home.
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello all, I'm just putting together a favourites questionnaire for my class to do at home with their parents. Partly so that I can get a better feel for their interests (I feel like I'm not quite engaging them the way I should be at the moment) and partly to give us some more talking points. Also, because I'm finding that I have a couple of children who always say what the person before them/their best friend says. It may be that their interests are the same but I'd like to make sure! So far I have favourite: - colour - food - TV programme - toy - film - game Is there anything else you think I could ask about?
- 1 reply
Hi has anyone got any literacy or fun activities that you have done with your class? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, Could anyone tell me if there are any exemplification materials for 30-50 and 40-60 months, as there are for the ELGs? Thank you Sue
- 6 replies
Hi, This is a question for all Reception class and Ks1 teachers and/or assessment managers...following the change in the descriptors for the maths early learning goals we are finding the knock on effect of 'predicted' levels worryingly high for end of Year 1! So under the old descriptors if a child met 6 or more of the aspects within the number strand a child was entering Year 1 as 'working towards level 1', therefore their end of year target would be 1a/2c. Under the new goals descriptor the children that achieve the early learning goal are entering Year 1 as a secure level if we go by that lovely trajectory that we have to get children to conform to, of steady…