Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Literacy Teaching
by Guest- 3 replies
I am already feeling a little fed up with my literacy planning and was after some ideas for making it a little more exciting. I am enjoying teaching numeracy and seem to have plenty of ideas for this but literacy seems to take forever to plan. I would love to know if anyone uses a useful scheme. I am not so far linking to the NLS and whilst the head has not commented on this, I was wondering if I should be. Also, do others do so many days of reading and some of shared writing etc each week? Apologies for all the questions!
by Guest- 7 replies
I am after some inspiration. I am due to have a lesson odservation by my head, and I am doing a PE lesson. She is focusing on behaviour management, and I was thinking of doing something using benches and mats. I wondered if anyone has any interesting ideas that minght make it a bit more exciting!! Thanks
- 8 replies
Hi! I am trying to develop a long-term plan for our reception classes (was non-existent before) and am beginning to worry that I'm not covering the ELGs as I should. I began filling in the long-term plan using the ELGs from the focused activities we do throughout the year. However, I realised that I do not cover all ELGs through the focused activities - not explicitly anyway. For example: 'Interacting with others, negotiating plans and activities and taking turns in conversations' (CLL, langauge for communication) I cover this mainly through my continuous provision. How does everyone else cover all ELGs? I realise that many are covered through routines and environment …
New Entrants Into School
by Guest- 19 replies
Help! we take children in to our Year R from a wide variety of pre-schools in our area. does anyone have any ideas for good practice in assessment to provide a baseline to assess value-added in the FSP at the end of the year? or as the big O put it 'What proof have you tha t the children are where you think they are - and how can you predict their end of KS1 results? sorry if I'm going over old ground but I've just joined you ACB
Circle Time
by Guest- 9 replies
Last night I posted my plans for Circle time. Here are this terms for anyone to adapt etc we are doing autumn and festivals. Circle_Time__Autumn_2.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
- 8 replies
Hi, Does anyone have any good formats for a provision planner, to cover the inside and outdoor area, am trying to make a new format, and failing miserably... Cheers BB
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello everyone! Are we allowed in the foundation stage to use some of the schemes of work for KS1? The headteacher mentionned in a staff meeting that OFSTED will be asking for schemes of work. Can you shed some light on this matter?
Big Books
by Guest- 13 replies
Hello all, wondered if you could help me. Unfortunately my school has a really inadequate supply of big books generally and I struggle to find texts in school to use for shared reading with the children. I have bought my own copy of Peace at Last, whatever next, hungry caterpillar and bear hunt but wondered if you could advise a few more for me. I am thinking along the lines of texts with language patterns/easy for the children to join in with after a couple of reads. Thank you! Emma
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
Christmas Song
by Guest- 5 replies
This year for our Christmas play we are doing an 'around the world' theme. I recalled a piece of music that I've worked with several years ago and so said I wanted to do Lapland. Unfortunately - I can't recall all the words to the song It was part of a Ginn music scheme (I think), there was a CD that came with it. Basically the song builds up on different activities that go on around Christmas time - wrapping presents, toys being made. I wonder if anyone working in a school knows it and can help me out. It goes something like .. Wrapping presents (actions and sound effects to match words) Santa's hammer goes (as above) Think it might also have so…
Polar Bears
by Guest- 9 replies
Have just spent a very enjoyable (but partly unproductive) day shopping with my daughter. One of the items on our list was a range of 'Arctic' animals - small world type. We went in every 'pound shop', charity shop, Woolworths and even Early Learning Centre but couldn't find any. I'm desperate - either everyone on this forum has been shopping over half term or there's a serious gap in the market. ELC did have a tub of animals for £5 which I think included a polar bear - but the figures where so small I couldn't use them in a Tuff tray. If anyone has got any - I'd love to know where you got them. Harricroft