Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Have started writing ILP`s for the first time. Have noticed that I am just repeating myself. Keep deciding on a stepping stone for the child then an activity to promote it and obviously keep repeating stepping stones. So I decided it would be easier to compile a list with each individual stepping stone and corresponding activity. Then when writing ILP`s you can just identify an area for the child then look up the activity already lsited. Does anyone out there relate to this? I started to try compiling a list of each stepping stone and a corresponding activity to promote learning for the ILP but this is a VERY daunting task with so many. Surely there must be …
- 2 replies
Does anybody have a document that itemises stepping stones for each of the aspects? Or could point me in the right direction? I've mislaid the K&U section produced by my LEA and the page is currently unavailabe online - grr
Planning Ideas
by Guest- 29 replies
EEEKKKKK - My firs time in attempting to post something - have often clicked onto the site and had a look around as a visitor but today decided to join up & am very glad i did so - some great stuff on here, really useful (although it has distracted me from completing my work!!!) Anyway - am a FS Co-ordniator & am just drafting out some Med Term Palnning ideas for our reception classes. The theme is Celebrations & i would be really really grateful if anybody had any suggestions of ideas or activities linked to weddings. Look forward to hearing them! (if i manage to successfully post this of course!!! Thanks in advance for any replies.
How Do You Organise Your Children?
by Guest- 6 replies
Am Early Years co-ordinator in Primary School (3 classes, 3 teachers 3T.A's) and we work closely together as a unit each with class base but sharing one outdoor space. Really need advice as Deputy Head has posed some questions to me today re the organisation of the unit and how she feels it could be improved. Currently we plan our Numeracy and Literacy on 2 planners and all our continuous provision (workshop areas) on another planner but we do not go as far as to say which group of children are doing what on each day. This we plan for each night on our daily planning for the next day. A weekly timetable is displayed saying if it is a literacy, numeracy or other foc…
- 2 replies
Does anyone have any ideas for a space topic next time please. Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4145, -
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi! I'm not sure if i'm putting this in the correct place but i'll give it a go! I'm a student studying PGCE early years course and i'm starting my first teaching practice in 2 weeks eeek! I'm working in a reception class and the topic is the 'Antartic'. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas and fun activities i could do? please help!!
Ofsted And Planning
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone has had an ofsted recently - one of the new ones - only 2 days notice? Can you tell me if they looked at Reception planning, was it ok and if it was what do you do. Hope this makes sense. We are in our 5th year since last one and the Head is driving everyone to get ready. I have taught R for 12 years only 6 years R only he is driving me nuts. Can anyone help. Hope this makes sense. Abi
- 13 replies
We've got to put up a display in the class showing ISP Targets for reading, writing and numeracy - 3 levels for each target. The idea is that the chn. move towards their target as the term progresses. Really finding this difficult, especially as I don't agree with the targets set!! Has anyone done this in their Reception classes? Any ideas?
- 7 replies
Hi We have just been given some formats for medium term and short term plan templates for a foundation stage unit. Thought they might be useful, let me know. Also if anyone else has any other formats that are successfull I would love to hear about them. Thanks focus_sheet.doc Weekly_Planning_lanscape_final.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Areas In Reception
by Guest- 14 replies
Ive a few questions regarding the areas in reception, I am setting up new areas such a fine motor area and investigation area and I was wondering how other people plan for these areas. Do people just have a the same thing in the area for the week or do u change it on a daily basis? I was going to make a 1/2 term plan with the weeks, theme, and suggested resourse in colums and stick this up in the area. Has anyone already got these up or does this sound like a silly idea? Any ideas would be helpful thanks