Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Plan - Do - Review
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Guys, I've heard a bit about this on the boards and have seen a lesson, but what does it entail? (sorry if this is obvious) In the classroom where i saw this they had four adults and it ran over two weeks (KUW lesson), how does this work in a class with two adults and only one week? Please point me in the right direction as they children seem to get a lot out of their discussions and decisions. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Please Help Numeracy Plans
by Guest- 2 replies
I am looking for my medium term plan for numeracy for the summer term and cant find it anywhere. Can someone please post it on here or point me in the right direction? thanks
- 8 replies
Hi i am currently doing traditioanl tales and remember a song that goes(wait for it!!) 'Theres one more river and thats the river the trolls in,one more river and thats the river to cross,is anyone able to help me out with the rest of it.Many Thanks Melanie
- 12 replies
Hi there Have got my eye on the end of the year now (!) and am thinking about my reception class moving up into (a very formal and timetabled..... ) year one. I know that children should be working towards or doing a literacy and numeracy hour type lesson by the end of the reception year. When do other people start this? How do you manage it? I tried to plan it this way when I was doing my planning at the weekend and as we have a music session and hall time, would only have time for 4 literacy and 4 numeracy sessions each week (ie 8 morning lessons in total) Somehow, it would have taken all week, mornings and afternoons to get through the literacy and nume…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 10 replies
Hi my first post, am helping someone can help. Thanks for all the great ideas everyone I have been just browsing for some time since I jkoined we are a small school our infant dpt has a r/1 and a 1/2 class. We are thinking of extending child initiated play into the 1/2 class as at the moment the yr 1 children only get CIP if in the lower vclass. we are planning to do this by having half termly themes for hist/geog/sci/dt/art in the afternoons, having three afternoons a week themed with an hours "lesson" followed by an hour of CIP tpo allow children to explore their own ideas. If there is anyone out there who is doing anything remoetly like this, I would be ver…
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi Although i have now nearly finished my nqt year (only the summer term to go!) i am still unsure of how i should be planning music. Creative development covers music and moving to it etc but im struggling to know how to fit it constructively into my week. Previous teacher seems to have done nothing but sing songs on the topic of that term, surely theres more to it than that and giving them instruments every now and then. Any help would be fab. P.S is there any good websites about parachute games? I've never used one before!
Outside Provision
by Guest- 2 replies
Hey all. Am wondering if any of you have examples of how you plan for outdoor play? Have made a workable format for myself, but am wondering how y'all do it?? How do you display outdoor learning opportunities in your weekly plans too? And MTP? As you can guess, I'm having a purge on outdoor provision/play!!! Help would be muchly appreciated! D xxx
Medium Term Plans
by Guest- 1 reply
Does anyone have any medium term plans for a topic on pirates?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Who Was Noah?
by Guest- 5 replies
Has anyone got any R.E based ideas relate to Noah and the ark. Have just realised its in this half terms planning for reception and my head is mush at the moment. (Thinking of wedding receptions rather than planning).
- 4 replies
Just attatching my medium term plans for summer 1. Hope they are useful plants_and_animals_summer_1.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776,