Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Collection Of Evidence
by Guest- 4 replies
I need to do a small piece on this and how it supports the development of children. I have written the obvious,, informs planning, gives holistic approach, builds up personal profile etc. Any more ideas anyone?
Sharing Planning
by Guest- 0 replies
I just wanted to say a really big thank you to everyone who has posted medium term plans on the site! I'm in my first year at a new school and although I've been teaching for a while, its my first time teaching reception. We didn't really have any workable medium term plans to speak of, and I've been trying different formats and feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall... But thanks to all the good ideas you've shared, I feel like I might have a starting point to put together medium term plans we can use each year. There's just no point in starting from scratch when you can draw on others experience.... The Southwark plans (well done to everyone …
Learning Intentions
by Guest- 7 replies
Re long and medium term planning, in what detail, beyond the "broad framework" of the stepping stones and early learning goals, should planning be done for the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes we hope children will gain?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Up In The Air
by Guest- 23 replies
Hi there, after easter my topic is 'up in the air' and as this is a new topic to my school and i'm an NQT i have never taught this. I was wondering if anybody else has and could inspire me with their ideas. I thought about changing my role-play area into an aeroplane-anyone done this before??i need ideas mainly for my craft and writing area.
by Guest- 0 replies
Looking back at posts in February, I noticed a discussion about splitting ELGs into levels W1- W5 for assessing writing. I wonder if any Reception teachers out there have access to these documents? We have recently had a whole school focus on writing, and even Reception have been involved! Thanks to anyone that can help. Hope you are all having a great break. Many thanks to you all at the forum. I have found this site so useful over the last few months. It is a wealth of information.
Topic On Growing
by Guest- 10 replies
Please help.Our topic this term is growing.I am going to change the home corner into a flower shop.Any other ideas? I teach Reception and they area very focused busy group who need constant stimuli and have a love of the outside.Thank you.Any ideas or scientific influences would be relly helpful
How Ironic!
by Guest- 8 replies
I've just experienced true irony... I wanted to attach a copy of the record of achievement that we use in Manchester to ask how it compares to others LEAs and suggest that it was a lot of paper work when it is just the teachers taking on the responsibility but its too big to attach!! Is it just me or has the amount of stuff we're allowed to attach been reduced (Steve or somebody?) its only text-is it the format it's in? There are 11 more pages like this one. Anyway, from this page as an example does it look similar to what you use? Also, those of you who fill in the eprofile do you do paper records as well? If not how are the stepping stones included? At the moment…
At The Farm
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi! We are currently replanning for next half term and i wondered if anyone had any ideas for a topic on At the Farm - rewriting medium term plans! Thank you!
Assessing Writing 1 2
by Guest- 31 replies
hi, i've been a member for a while now and this is my first post. i've been trying to get my head round something but am struggling and thought.....i know just the people to folks. i hope you can help.... i am a reception teacher, and i've been collecting samples of the children's writing at various intervals as required by our literacy co-ordinator. at present i've been 'levelling' the pieces according to the stepping stones/ELG's rather than just putting a meaningless w for working towards. should i be doing this or should i be using the P-scales. my understanding was the P-Scales should be used for SEN children making very little progress on the profile…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
by Guest- 10 replies
Does anyone have any ideas on introducing counting in 2s to reception. I have thought about having pairs of objects to match and singing the sizzling sausages song so far. I would really appreciate hearing any ideas that have worked well as I need to plan a whole lesson on this. Thanks!