Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Individual Child Records
by Guest- 10 replies
Have had one of those days again - the ones where you think you're banging your head against a wall but it is not with the children, but more like the FS Co !!!! She's still in the medieval ages as far as things go and it's getting to the point where I am wishing for Ofsted so that a dynamite stick can be shoved somewhere to get her moving! There's no decisions made without her say so, but she doesn't say!!!! They're always put off for us to have time to think! We've been thinking about our paperwork for the last two and a bit years and it's still no where near in an organised and sytematic way! We seem to do things one minute, spend a lot of time putting them i…
Help Please! 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
This is my first year in Reception. I've had to start everything from scratch because the previous teacher destroyed all her plans. I'd thought it wasn't too bad - i have lots of independent play based activities for the children to do while my TA and I pull children out to work on more focused activities. However, we had an external adviser come in the other day and she pretty much rubbished everything - the learning environment (not enough key words displayed and no examples of children recording numbers) and said that the work wasn't differentiated. I had thought that you planned experiences/learning opportunities for the children and that the differentiation came abou…
Moderation Process
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi I've just registered with the forum and am particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has been 'moderated'. I am the only FS Teacher in a small school and have the Sure Start team coming in next week - does anyone have any tips??? The plan is for the children to be involved with their choosing activities while myself and two of the SS team observe children then discuss our findings. They will also look through the FS profiles to ensure I am completing them appropriately. Look forward to hearing from you ...
Teaching Time
by Guest- 9 replies
Hello everyone, Our numeracy theme next week is time - ordering days of the week and difference between day and night.Can anyone suggest any fun interesting activities or useful websites i could use? thanks
Nursery Planning
by Guest- 5 replies
We are reviewing our planning documents. We are aware that our short term planning sheets do not reflect all the child initiated work that goes on in a day and with the best will in the world adding them to a weekly plan at the end of each day does not always happen.Any suggestions would be carefully considered as well as knowing others are in asimilar situation!!
- 10 replies
We redesigned our curriculum in September and it is The Five Sense across Foundation and Key Stage 1. I've got Rception and Year 1 and have been desparetly trying to implement a more child initiated curriculum for all of them!! Under lots of scruitiny from the LEA at the moment (Key Stage 1 SATs resluts are not as good as they should be) I am Key Stage 2 trained and been teaching Receptin and YEar 1 for 3 years....Have you got any exciting ideas for the five senses?? BIG THANKS Sarah
Free Flow
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi everyone, I'm in desperate need of help with planning free flow activities on teaching practice.I know that they need to have a purpose though I'm finding it difficult to understand how the things link together and how to approach the planning. Could anyone please explain the concept to me or perhaps share some plans? I'd be most grateful for any help from all you experienced people Thanks
Next Halft Term Topic - Growth
by Guest- 17 replies
After half term, we are doing the topic 'growth'. We will be having a garden centre in the role play area and have got some ideas what else to do but I just wondered if anyone had any great ideas that I may not have thought or treied before. Dawn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 6 replies
Its that time of the term again... it just comes around so fast... Our topic for next half term is 'Rosies walk' and 'we're going on a picnic' both by Pat Hutchins So the obvious link is journeys, map and lots of postitional language. We will be making shadow puppets for the story book characters which extends our topic from this half term-light. And will be using junk modelling and construction to make a 3d model for each book that the children can then use to retell the story. I have though about encouraging the children to make up their own stories about each of the characters or combining characters from each book. But thats really as far as i have g…
C24 Comprehension Skills
by Guest- 1 reply
I have found myself in a rut again. Can anyone tell me how have educationalists ideas about the best way to encourage young children's comprehension skills changed since the 1980's? I would be grateful for any help. Thank you