Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Planning Ideas
by Guest- 10 replies
hi all, i know planning for the spring term is the last thing we want to thing about, BUT the topic set for next term (not set by me i must add) is health and hygeine. im in desperate need of some ideas please. i thought of looking at fruit and veg, tasting smelling etc and using handas suprise book. thoguh about washing clothes and dolls etc but that was about it limited i know so could any one please feed me some ideas. cheers
Medium Term Planning - Toys
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I have just started teaching Reception this year. I have been trying to find my feet for the past term and now I want to start the spring planning. Does anyone have any ideas for the topic toys? Thank you so much.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Tracking System
by Guest- 12 replies
Our LEA advisor wants us to put a 'Tracking System' in place so that we can track the areas that the chn are using during their free choice time and ensure that they are accessing all areas. I've heard of a variety of systems-eg putting photo/name card in a box/on chart and have tried this with one area (small world) but found that all I was doing was saying to those chn at the end of the week-'such and such you haven't played in the small world yet'. I scrapped it coz I didn't see the point. One opinion is that it's WHAT they are learning not WHERE they are learning it-eg if a child rarely visits the writing area but is always writing labels in the construction area t…
Medium Term Plan Spring
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Does anyone have a medium term plan for reception starting after christmas, it has been suggested that we cover weather or does anyone else have any suggestions, any would be appreciated. I am actually a teaching student and need to know what to cover. Thanks for any help.
Spring Planning-sorry!
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi everybody, I haven't really introduced myself properly yet. My name is Emma and I'm an NQT working in a Reception class. The forum is fab and I've already picked up loads of great ideas - I've also got hold of a great numberline which was my last request on here! ..... Now I need some help with ideas for next half terms planning. (sorry I know we all need to get Christmas out of the way first) It's just i'm worrying because I have no books/resources which I can partially rely on for next half terms themes. The only long term plan I'm given to work from is headings - next terms being 'winter weather' and 'fairy tales'. I have managed with the topics so far as the pre…
- 12 replies
I thought hat it was a good idea to share our planning for the past term so lets do it again for the Spring term. My topic is colour and light... Just starting to think about ideas so please post your ideas too. thanks Lorna
Medium Term Planning Sheet
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, I'm doing the Early Years Foundation Degree and need to do a med. term plan for science. I've decided to do light and dark but I don't know how to get all of the criteria in to one planning sheet. It needs to include, topic, group, differentiation, aims, objectives, key vocabulary, length of session, resources, progression and number of children and show activities! I'm having a nightmare trying to format a plan. Any shortcuts anyone?
Numeracy Planning
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi there Im teaching reception for the first time and finding the planning challenging. What do people follow for their numeracy sessions? Do people use numeracy strategy or another scheme? Any feedback would be helpful Thanks
by Guest- 2 replies
Does anyone know where I might find long, medium and short term plans on Festivals or Celebrations? If anyone has any that they would be willing to share, I'd be grateful! Thanks, Rosebud
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Outdoor Access And Staffing
by Guest- 7 replies
hi everyone I know there have been several discussions about outdoor play provision - but any specific advice to my current dilemma would be very welcome! We now have a fairly good sized outdoor area for our 2 Reception classes. Direct access to it is from one classroom only, the two classrooms are however adjoining. So far both classes have been going out altogether for about 30 minutes in the morning and 20 in the afternoon as a kind of extended playtime/ outdoor play session. We have been providing a range of equipment but have not yet been planning specifically for this time. The area is used by parents for collecting and dropping off children so we are lim…