Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Planning For Mixed Age Class
by Guest- 25 replies
Hi, does anyone have any ideas on where to start planning / setting up the classroom for a mixed age rec / year one class? The class will have 20 new starts in reception and 7 or 8 of the youngest year 1s. The tricky thing is that these year ones will then be on year 2 doing SATs the following year, and we need to get them prepared, while they are mainly summer born boys and I feel they could well do with another year in FS.. Any tips? / people in same situation? Issues also with sensitive parents- feeling that the children have been 'kept back'?- tips on how to deal with this? Thanks
Numeracy In Fs2
by Guest- 10 replies
I'm the numeracy coordinator for our primary school (I teach Y6), and I'm having an ongoing discussion with the FS2 coordinator about whether FS2 children should have an 'exercise' book for some of their work in the Summer term, rather than a load of photocopies with observation sheets attached. I realise you need evidence to base your assessment for the ELGs on, but surely it would show progression more easily if they had a book each? How do FS2 practitioners get the children to record? Is drawing or stamping pictures in their books outdated now, or still acceptable? Help!
Year One Looming
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi I have been a R teacher since I qualified 5 years ago and decided I ought to get some Y1 experience, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm getting worried about different planning, QCA units and all that jazz. I'm also concerned about showing Value added over the year, I have achieved good results In YR but with the change of year group and my unfamiliarity with things I'm not sure I will achieve such good results. Sorry, scaredy cat I know but any help will do thanks.
Last reply by Steve, -
- 18 replies
Our new Head is introducing pupil tracking from Nursery entry from next year using PIV)Ts which is based on the P levels. This is for target setting and Perfomance Managment. Has anyone any experience of this? I am concerned about setting targets for FS as they are all so variable in their development.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 5 replies
I'm after advice - what do other people do when their new class visit? I'm an NQT this year, and because of unavoidable circumstances, missed out on the experience last year so I'm quite nervous about the prospect. My new class are visiting for the afternoon on Thursday - it is a very small group as the school is soon to close - only 10 children - 8 which I know quite well as they are in the nursery class and the other 2 are unknowns, all we do know is that they have no English. To add to this, I have my new TA coming in to spend the afternoon with us so I don't have the benefit of being able to bounce off each other as I would with my current TA. I look fo…
Pe Equipment Wish List
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello there, Our PE co-ordinator has sent around a wishlist for any items we would like to see in school (no actual promises). we have the usual bean bags, small and large balls, cones, apparatus and i was just wondering if anyone had any other items/equipment that there children love to use - i feel like my PE lessons are getting a wee bit boring and want to jazz them up a bit as it is something i really enjoy! ANY IDEAS???? Sarah
- 6 replies
I'm sure I've seen a recommendation somewhere for a book on Observing in Foundation Stage - there will be 6 people in our team next year and we need some sort of continuity (right word?) to our observations. Hope someone can help. Magenta
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1208, -
Literacy/numeracy Equipment
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi there, me again We have also been asked if there is any literacy and NUmeracy equipment that we would like to add to a wish list but i have drawn a blank! i am sure that there is lots that i could buy!!! (i love spending other people's cash!) and was wondering if there was anything that people can't live without or unusual things that i could add to this list? No promises that i will get - all the school putting in a list! but 'shy bairns get nowt!' so i might as well add it to the list! Sarah
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Records Of Achievement
by Guest- 13 replies
We will be introducing the Record of Achievement recording system in September when I take over as supervisor. I would appreciate everyones hiccups, remedies and experiences of this. Also how many Pre-schools implement this already? Is it just a Bucks County thing? Thank you Angie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Foundation Stage And Ofsted!
by Guest- 16 replies
Hello I am really panicking now! Just heard we are having Ofsted in September. Inspection starts on the new childrens first full day in school. To make matters worse we are having a single intake for the first time - some very young children. I wondered if anyone had any advice on planning the first few weeks. I was planning on very unstructured activites and lots of playing but now wonder whether I should rethink and have at least number of group activities going on. Also am considering planning 5 activities Literacy, NUmeracy, creative, KNowledge, physical and rotating groups throughout the day. Has anyone had experience of this and did it work? Any advice would be…