Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 4 replies
My colleage in the Reception class is due for Moderation soon - we have both interpreted what is needed differently!! She has prepared profiles on 6 chn. 3 from each ability level. I got the impression that moderators would choose 6 chn. themselves. Can anyone please clarify this?? Many thanks Magenta
Please Help I'm Despairing!
by Guest- 28 replies
I have to teach mixed rec and yr 1 at interview and am finding the planning tricky- please can someone help, I think I'm just getting too bogged down! I am going to set up play activities based on a book but they all link into the FS and not really strictly into y1 NC objectives... Is this okay...? Gulp, I'm really nervous and don't know what the expectations are,
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Reception Induction
by Guest- 15 replies
Yes, it's that time of year again!! Can anyone tell me a little about their induction arrangements for children coming into Reception in September. Does anyone do home visits? Induction afternoons? Thanks in advance
by Guest- 6 replies
I am currently applying for a new job and as part of the interview I have to do a presentation on 'with reference to computer programmes for young children - what are their value and purpose, and how do they link into the Early Years Curriculum and National Curriculum'. It is a PowerPoint Presentation and I have got the majority of info I need but can anyone give me anymore info that might be relevant? The haedings I am using are 'What are their value and purpose', Why use computer programmes', 'How can it be implemented into planning' 'What is the link between computer programmes for young children and the Early Years Curriculum/National Curriculum' and 'Useful steps to…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 11 replies
After being employed in a day nursery's pre-school dept to bring in the F.S Curr. I have now been told that my staff still do not understand why we plan activities, they still cannot do any planning, and will not do any observations or adhere in any way to the curriculum. In short they don't see the point. At present we are in the Isle of Man, do not yet as a nursery get OFSTED'ed and do not have to adopt the FSC. However, after being told that I must attend a meeting where my staff team will tell me that they do not know how to fill in a planning sheet (still, although in weekly meetings they have not expressed and difficulties or concerns) I need to justify the benfits …
Last reply by Helen, -
Single Intake
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello I have just discovered this site and was very impressed! In September my school is changing to single intake for our reception class. So about half the class will only be four years old and a few days! I wonder if anyone else has any advice on planning for this younger age group. Have you had to change things a lot to accomodate the younger age range? Any advice appreciated. thankyou
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 0 replies
I thought you might be interested in this I found it some weeks ago and it seems quite easy to handle. It seems similar to another one that was recommended to me here. I am sorry I don't recall the name of the person who did that other one. Kind regards, SmileyPR
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Lesson Objectives
by Guest- 4 replies
I am a student who is currently on a school placement in a reception class. The teacher keeps saying that I need to know what it is the children are doing/learning. I feel that my objectives are specific enough and I have been using the curriculum guidance for the foundation stage folder. Im not sure how long to spend on a particular area, do i continue with something until the children meet the objective or do i revisit again at a later date?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Literacy Lessons
by Guest- 6 replies
hi ya, im on my final teaching pracitise and was wondering if anyone can share their thoughts on how the literacy session should look. the teacher im with just does phonics then they complete a sheet? is this right? i thoguht a literacy session would be reading story to children based on topic then, children exlpore it through play ie reading billy goats gruff then children exlpored story, re telling etc in water, sand with small world etc if any one can help it would great, just to explain what their tipical literacy session looks like many thanks clare
Planning Software
by Guest- 5 replies
Is anyone out there using Primary Complete - Skills factory software (produced by Granada) to do their planning. My school has just bought the package and demanded that all year groups begin doing maths planning on it. In the FS our planning was cross curricular already and it seemed a backward step to take out numeracy and put it into a different format. So I have had to take the major step of trying to put all our short term plans for the 6 areas of learning into the software. I'm finding formatting it a nightmare. I'm told (by my SMT colleagues) that eventually all the headaches will be worthwhile as it will make planning much easier - it will all be networked and…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732,