Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Observation Help Please
by Guest suziees- 23 replies
Hi all As the owner/manager of a preschool i am finding it harder and harder to support the staff with ways/methods of observing and recording information on their key children. now i know many of you will think our problem is not a problem but here goes!!! The mroning runs very fast, time escapes us constantly and the staff are telling me that they cannot gather enough info for each of their children. they ahve approx 8 children each, some who only attend 2 days each week and others who attend more often. age range from 2 - 4 at present. i am also a keyworker (so hands on) and i grab snippets here and there, do obs when i can and usually by the end of t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
by Guest- 12 replies
Hey all. Haven't been in for a while. Hope everyone is well. My query this time is timetabling. How does everyone else work????!!!! I know we are all different, but it often helps to have something else to compare with. Am an NQT so have been on visits to other Reception settings, but being in a double classroom and coming back to feed back to my teaching team, it's hard when their responses are suggesting that everyone else's way is not as good as ours!! Am of the personal opinion that variety is the spice of life (!) but it's hard to work in such a rigid environment. I don't want my creativity to lapse, so am wondering how you all manage your timetables (i.e. ho…
Research Project
by Guest- 1 reply
Hey all. Hope you can help me (once again!). Am on an NQT evening course and am preparing to do a research project on Observations and Assessment in the Foundation Stage (with particular focus on EAL). I was wondering if any of you could give me guidance on any fantastic (!) ways you have been able to report on EAL development in the Reception year. My original research topic was going to be focusing on the EAL development in a Reception class, but have found that the masses of energy I have put into observation and assessment this year I feel I have a great deal of 'paperwork' that would help inform my project! Your help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks! …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Curriculum Planning
by Guest- 6 replies
Don't know if anyone can help me or not , would anyone be able to post on here the way they plan for the stepping stones ??? I just think at our playgroup we are making it very complicated and hard work when really it could be much simpler. We have tried various ways which never seem to quite work. Do any of you have 'ongoing goals' When I posted on a different site no one knew what I meant by ongoing goals but our playgroup insist we have them. By ongoing I mean stepping stones that you look at all the time. We have stepping stones that we highlight and date and some that we have to highlight and write a comment about. I think this is going to mean that we're goin…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
- 7 replies
Hi I am about to overhaul our reception planning and assessment this coming term. I have inherited a system that is linked more with the desirable outcomes and is all in code ... so am going to try and start again and get a usable system up and running for september. My questions are as follows. 1. Has anyone found or has a link to anywhere that has linked the ELGs with the NNS framework? I have several for the NLS but not the NNS. 2. How do you all record the steeping stones or ELGs you have covered in your planning- long and short term? Thank you all in advance for your help. Lorna
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Early Learning Goals
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I'm sitting here on Good Friday completing my E-Profiles for the Spring Term ! As I'm doing it I'm thinking as I go along that I could do with a document which just lists all the ELG's (not the stepping stones). Obviously there are still lots of gaps in the majority of the children's EP's and I'd like to be able to highlight them as part of my planning for next term. I'm sure there must be such a document somewhere but for the life of me I can't find one! Anyone got one out there, please?! My email addy is: Cheers! Jess
Last reply by Steve, -
Sharing Good Practice
by Guest- 6 replies
I teach in a reception class (29 hildren). My continual worry is regarding planning; long term, medium term and short term. As I read through the forum this seems to be quite common. I am hoping that this area could be a place where we can share what we do. For example if anyone has recently been through an OFSTED inspection where their foundation planning was said to be a good example. It would really help if people were willing to shre completed planning formats, ways they link ELG, NNS, NLS. Indoor / outdoor planning. I think its about time good practise was shared. We all aim for the same goals so lets lighten the load and share what we do. I hope this gets some goo…
Grouping The Children
by Guest- 3 replies
hi i was wondering if anyone can offer some advise on grouping the childre. i take over the class next term and the children are not currently grouped. do you recomend i group them or not. i wondering how you operate your lessons with groups for example do you aloow one activity and all the children do it or a range and the children wonder between or group them sending each group to do something in repsect of the leaning intention. can anyone offer some advise, i know i havent exactly made myself clear but its hard to descibe what i mean cheers clare
How I'm Getting On At A New Nni
by Guest- 0 replies
Sorry wrong part of forum to post this
- 9 replies
Is there any way that we can share planning formats? I will be running a Foundation Stage Unit in September and haven't taught Reception for 13 years (pre- NLS +NNS)! I have occasionally asked members to e-mail me copies of planning that they have found useful but have as yet had no replies. Could there be a page on your site where samples of member's planning can be displayed and available to download? (I always find completed plans more useful - a good guide as to how much detail people are using). I would be happy to share my Nursery PLnning which has proved very successful through Ofsted Inspections. Hope you can help. Tracey
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73,