Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Talk for Writing in Reception
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone, I wondered if anyone could offer me some inspiring ideas for my second NQT observation in 2 weeks. I am being observed in Literacy, working on the topic of a recount of our trip to a local fire station. At our school we follow Pie Corbett Talk for Writing across all years including reception, and so I will be expected to have lots of talk for writing in this observation, however I have only ever done it for Storytelling, Instructions and Nursery Rhymes/poems. My lesson will be the second day of the second week of the recount unit so we will be expected to be writing something. Previously I have had whole carpet sessions where I model/do shared writing on …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Planning in Foundation/Reception
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I just wondered if you could all advise how you currently plan for reception/foundation? We currently have the following levels of planning:Medium term plan - detailing the over arching topic and objectives to be covered along with possible activities. Continuous provision planning which states what resources are available in each area of the classroom and how adults can support these areas. These are just overviews for the year/long term. Weekly planning which has adult led and child choice activities on. I just wondered if people are adding enhanced provision onto their planning and wondered how this is different to child choice? Or has the term child …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Maths -Scheme
by Guest- 5 replies
Just wondering if anyone can help what maths schemes (if any) do you use for Reception. Our Head would like us to use a scheme with maths books! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789, -
settling in reports
by Guest- 0 replies
Hey I am in the middle of writing settling in reports for my reception class. I am writing about · Personal, social and emotional development · Physical development · Communication, language and literacy Any examples of settling in reports would be helpful. Thank you!
- 9 replies
A couple of weeks ago we were told we all had to celebrate national space day! I linked this to our topic of autumn by telling the children an alien had visited our school and wanted to know why leaves were falling off the trees and changing colour etc! I made him friendly....or so I thought! Now I have a parent who tells me her daughter keeps having nightmares because of the alien!! We have had discussions in class and she is fine in school but is still having nightmares at home! I feel terrible - what can I do?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4619, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi I was wondering what everybody else is using as a measure for good progress across KS 1. We have now been told that children leaving FS at expected are therefore entering YR 1 as 1c and then to make good progress need to make 10 points across the KS which means at the end of year 2 they need to be 2a. J
Last reply by AnonyMouse_47127, -
Help / advice with planning literacy
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, This is my first post on here, so I hope I have put it in the right area. I am doing a PGCE at the moment and am currently in my first mainstream placement in yr 1. I have my first observation on Thursday and wanted to seek any advice or help for it please? The lesson WALT I have to stick to is - to use role play to retell the story of Little Red Hen (this is new to the chn) This is the lesson I am planning (although any feedback / or advice gratefully recieved!) :1b Introduction: Pie corbet style of telling the chn the story, encouraging them to join in the actions and talking about what happened first / second etc. Then I will use HA chn to model role p…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
how do you plan your reception day?
by Guest- 17 replies
Hi, I am an NQT just started in Reception class. I am ks1/2 trained and finding it very challenging. I wanted to know how your day is planned for a reception class. Does it change from day to day or do you have a more structured day. At the moment I start my day off with self registration followed by phonics and literacy. We then have snack/playtime. After this we have circle time and then lunch. Straight after lunch its numeracy and then child initiated play, story and then home. I haven't included guided reading as we haven't started that. Not sure it should be this way. Other staff in the same year group do not know how to do it. Also I would really be intrigued to…
Bonfire Night Ideas Please!
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello, Has anyone got any really fool proof ideas for Bonfire Night? All of mine involve paint and as we are very over due for the phone call from OFSTED (panic), this could be the week- it's definately this term as we are one of the last satisfactory schools around ... our days are definately numbered. Thanks Davina
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
On entry data query
by Guest- 1 follower
- 7 replies
This week I've been inputting my on entry data for reception class. I really find UTW tricky to assess because we obviously haven't covered many of the strands! I'm using some if the nursery assessments to help but not all children have been to a nursery. Any advice please? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44055,