Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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We are planning a topic 'Around the World' for next term - and are using an elf to drive the topic. He's been to visit Africa (for a little break) so were going to explore where he has been, then he is finding out about our area and lastly were going to research where he is going back to (heading back to help Father Christmas!). I am struggling with how that looks week by week in our medium term planning for literacy and understanding the world and wondered if anyone had any good ideas or may have planned something similar previously.
Puzzle topic
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello! I teach FS2 and year 1. My head wants me to do a two week topic on puzzles this half term... It's left me in a muddle and rather lacking in the ideas department! So far I have : - Detectives--- using magnifying glasses to search for things, treasure hunts, following clues - Police station role play area - giving and following instructions - following maps - putting puzzles together - Problem solving in maths - Mazes/ odd one out/ dot to dot/ codes - Investigations in science - stories about people being puzzled e.g. Monkey puzzle, the mole who knew it was none of his business. But I'm stuck.... Any ideas and activity ideas much appreciated... I'm …
Dinosaurs And Psrn! Ideas Please....
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi there all, Just trying to think of some great PSRN ideas based on our mini-topic of dinosaurs...any really successful would be gratefuly received...thank you all
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42708, -
Maths Makes Sense
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi - is there anybody out there that uses the Maths Makes Sense scheme in their school - who would be willing to share an example of the short term / weekly planning they have for Reception?
Recommended story books
by Guest- 3 replies
Which books do your class really enjoy? We have been given some money to buy new books so looking for some ideas please. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44055, -
Rama and Sita writing
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, I've come to get some inspiration We are currently looking at the story of Rama and Sita and next week I'm being observed during a writing lesson... The kids are loving the story, the boys especially loving the monkey army/battle part! Was thinking of having my Ta playing outside with the large construction to build a bridge like the monkeys do - the idea that they plan their ideas first, labelling making lists of what they need etc. I'm struggling to think of an exciting adult led writing activity I can do?? Was thinking along the lines of writing lists as we have already done labels and I'm looking for new learning to take place. We haven't looked at l…
room layout
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Im changing my Reception room layout, making more defined spaces for the different areas of learning. Just wondering if you all have teacher desks? Im contemplating getting rid of mine to create more space. Just wondered what your thoughts may be on this Thanks
- 1 reply
Hi we have been reading Billy's Bucket children are loving it!!! They were then playing with buckets and imagining what was in their bucket. Where would you say this fits in in DM? Thank you xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
reception teachers - help!
by Guest- 2 replies
i'm nursery and the reception teacher and i have been tasked with getting our planning into the same format. i am concerned with what i have seen of hers, but it may be just me!! do you plan for 1 aspect for each area of learning each half term or all 2/3? we plan for 1 in nursery and really focus on it, e.g. are focussing on self-confidence and self-awareness in pse. reception teacher is doing all 3 aspects this and every half term. i feel this is too wide. what do you do? also their weekly planning only has 40-60+ DM statements. shouldn't it be 30-50 and 40-60+? their are many who went up securing in 30-50, so would benefit with more consolidation. and every 40-…
- 2 replies
Hi on our tracking grids my head wants me to be more specific in terms of if children are at age related expectations. So for example if they are currently working just within40-60 months he wants to know if they are below at or above age related expectations. So for example if a child is 58 months and they are working just within 40-60 months would you say they are below? Do you think you can categorise it as just within 40-60 is around 40-50 months in age securely within 40-60 months is 45-55 months in age almost complete in 40-60 is 50-60 months in age? Thanks Louise
Last reply by AnonyMouse_47127,