Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Reading Corner
by Guest- 6 replies
Oo this is my first post so I hope this is right Basically my headteacher has given all the teachers £200 to spend on rejuvenating their reading corners. It is a sort of competition as she wants everyone to make an effort. Being in reception my reading corner is already quite a nice space for the children but I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas that would really have the wow factor or if you can recommend any specific furniture/designs. Thank you all in advance
- 8 replies
I'm just wondering how other schools organise lunchtime supervision at the beginning of a school year? Do the children go to lunchtime play with the rest of the school? Do they stay out for the whole lunch hour? Do they eat in the lunch hall with the rest of the school? Who supervises them? Thanks in advance for any replies :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
ordering numbers
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi all, hoping you can help me! Have got 4 maths lessons to plan for this week with 'ordering numbers' as the focus, have got some ideas so far- having a puppet who gets his numbers muddled can the ch'ren help/ postman delivering numbers to correct houses/ number hunts outside/ number formation games- IWB for HA and using natural materials for LA but have you any exciting ideas for games/ adult-initiated activities or independent activities for ch'ren to do???? It's for Reception class- I'm planning for both higher and lower ability sets; I will be teaching highers with TA teaching lowers. HA recognise and order numbers 1-20 and lowers 1-10 (1 boy is on 1-5) Also, am I …
by Guest- 4 replies
This year we have had a one book approach, so evidence, number ,topic and writing all goes in the same book and they get a new book each term. I do like it, but when it came to moderation, it was difficult flicking through their books to find all the evidence. Has anyone come up with a simple solution? I know we don't have to do learning journeys, but we need to show progress. I am thinking about having an evidence book, of the ELG s with each area on individual pages. A bit like the examples at the back of the exemplifiation doc. Any thoughts?
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I'm being observed (Headteacher) on Wenesday and this week I'm hoping to do doubling. The children are mainly confident with numbers to around 15, with some confident to 20 and others only to 10, they understand the concept of adding two groups of objects and most can add 2 sigle digit numbers. I'm stuck with how to introduce the concept on Monday, in order to have something engaging and which I can show good progress happening on Wednesday. Can someone help me with some enhancements to my provision that would enable lots of independent doubling to take place - We're moving towards an ABC does way of teaching as I feel we have been rather 'group work' …
prayer for chick that passed away
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all, One of the chicks that hatched in the FSU I'm a student in sadly died over half term and the teacher has asked me to talk about it to the ch'ren tomorrow morning with an eye to them creating (writing) a prayer as its a C of E school to say goodbye to the chick during c-i as an adult-supported activity. I will be modelling it initially with whole class and thinking about some ideas so am looking for some ideas on examples to show them beforehand to discuss as whole class- have had little look online but they're a little heavy for what I'm looking for so wondering if you had any lovely simple suggestions please? Thanking you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I've got an interview for a recpetion teaching post this week and the focus is writing. I have to teach whole class and for 30 mins max. I need the activity to really engage the children and to be something simple but fun... Any ideas? I thought possible writiing postcards? Thanks in advance! :blink:
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 2 replies
I am an NQT reception teacher and really want to do my best to support the children who are coming to my class in September and also their parents. I wold love to hear from those of you in nurseries/pre schools about the best practice you have seen with regard to this transition. What has worked well and what hasn't worked so well? If the children are coming for two visits to the classroom, do you still feel it is valuable for the teacher to visit the children in their settings before they start. Many thanks.
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, My school are currently revising the guided reading proformas across the school (primary) and I am currently trying to link something similar for reception - trying to link the development matters and ELGs to AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, AF5, AF6, AF7.. Does anyone have a guided reading proforma that is Reception friendly? Any examples, ideas, help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_45216, -
Chicken Licken
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, Just wondering if you had some lovely inspiring ideas for activities based around the story Chicken Licken for a Reception class?? The foundation stage unit I'm in is looking at the general topic The Farm, and last week had 9 of the 17 chicken eggs hatch so we want to continue with the chicken theme (last week we did life cycle of a chick etc) so thought a story would be a more creative angle as it has been quite fact orientated with life cycle of chick, looking at animals from eggs, measuring the chicks etc so far. Have already got writing alternative story/ ending through a guided writing session of chicken licken but struggling to find/ think of many eggcitin…