Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 4 replies
Hi, Sorry if this is in the wrong place...I am new. We have only just started using Tapestry and we are due OFSTED and I need to talk to someone about how to present my data tracking. I had only just cracked it on the old system last year, and HMI were impressed at that point. Now we've gone with Tapestry, I have no clue how to interpret the data that is there... Please reply if you are up and running with analysis of data and you are in Nottinghamshire? I would love to visit and pick your brains? Thank you in advance, Carolyn
- 18 replies
Hi wondered if you'd looked at the eexba reports yet for your cohort yet? They came out today and I've just had a quick look and am quite shocked by maths. Most of the other areas for my class are in line with where I have placed them on target tracker. Because nearly all of my children could recognise a couple of numbers and count 3 or 4 items that means according to eexba that 78% of my children are above expectations!!!! In fact most of them are still working within 30-50 or below so I certainly wouldn't put them as working above. Thoughts? Deb
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Average point scores?
by Guest- 12 replies
So confused... Has anyone else been asked to calculate average point scores from reception? I have no idea how it can be worked out! ?
- 4 replies
Hi, I was wondering how people organise their phonics lessons. At the moment my class is divided into four groups based on ability (we use Letters and Sounds). 2 groups start the lesson working with an adult (teacher and TA) while the other 2 groups work independently. Then, after about 15/20 minutes, the groups swap so that all of the children will have worked with an adult. This normally works well but I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions. I worry that sometimes the children working independently aren't always 'making progress' Thanks, Beccy
Display ideas needed for literacy!
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone have any great ideas for a literacy display around the story of 'Shark in the Park', please? I am really struggling with this and there doesn't seem to be much in google images.
Shark in the Park - Talk for Writing
by Guest- 2 replies
Has anyone used this story and, if so, was it successful? Anyone have any good ideas around this book for Talk for Writing? Any ideas appreciated! :1b
- 8 replies
I was talking to a teacher from a different school the other day and she mentioned some guidance on reading and phonics which says that the writing part of any phonics session must be done sitting ' properly' at a table. I can't remember the name of the scheme or guidance so wondered if anyone had a clue what I'm talking about!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 2 replies
Hi I am doing my EYITT training. I have my first assessment next week and need to draw up plans for an activity to be observed. I am thinking about messy play especially as we have mostly active boys. I am interested in something exciting and different but am coming stuck in part because of acquiring resources for exciting play ideas from American sites and in part because my husband was rushed into hospital and is very ill. I am struggling to focus! ( There I have said it out in the open now!) Any ideas gratefully received from you wonderful creative people. x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23964, -
Maths Planning
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone Does anyone have any maths planning for mixed YR/Y1 class (medium/weekly) that they would be willing to share? I am new to Reception and also have 6 x Y1. Thanks in advance!
- 2 replies
Each week in our staff meeting a member of staff is 'chosen' to give a short ICT presentation for the following week. :huh: ICT is not my strong point, so I wondered if anyone had any amazing ideas/resources they would be willing to share? The remit is to share something that can be used in the classroom - so I would need to be able to find and download it online. I have found a 'marbles in the jar' resource which can be used as a countdown to, or at, tidy up time or any other activity with a time limit of 2 mins but any other ideas would be very welcome. :unsure: :1b