Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 2 replies
Hi, Just wondering how people were managing timetables? are you having adult led maths and literacy every day? trying to get my head around having a good balance of activities and would be interested to see how everyone else manages this. At the moment i tend to have 2 days where we focus on literacy and do guided writing etc but on these days we have a numbertime session focussing on key skills and still have an independent activity in the maths area. then have 2 days focussing on maths activities. i teach phonics and guided reading every day too so they are always doing some form of literacy based learning. would be grateful if anyone else could share!
Science day in school nursery
by Guest- 1 follower
- 10 replies
We are having a science day in school and nursery and reception have been asked by the head to join in the whole day.My first reation to plan has been a 'Senses'day with melting choc, ice balloons, jelly in trays ETC. We've been asked to provide a wow factor and I'm at a loss to wow my headteacher with 3/4 year olds while working to our EYFS curriculum.I also need a famous scientist to talk to the children about how scientists have worked. Can anybody help me??? thanks SH
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 3 replies
I have my performance management observation on Friday, it was cancelled last week due to a school event but this Friday it's children in need and the children are coming dressed in someting spotty - I can't wait to be observed with a class of 30 Reception children all excited about spotty clothes and buying cakes...... So my head said oh that'll be nice you can do something spotty so I have to now! I'm going to do numeracy and have been racking my brain, thought about having pudsey bears with numbers on and the children can print spots on, ordering pudseys with numbers.... any other excellent ideas? They abilities range from no number recognition to children work…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
- 7 replies
Hi, hope someone can help. Where do you put new children to the setting, when levelling an existing cohort of children against the development matter bands? This is to look at percentages within each band. E.g. We had nursery children last year that are now our reception children, but have 3 new reception children (1 was at another school, another at a Sure Start setting, the third hadn't been anywhere). Our existing reception children have had 2 or 3 terms in our nursery, whereas these other children haven't! Would you level the 3 children separately? Hope this makes sense.
Learning intentions?!
by Guest- 2 replies
Me again... sorry. Ive been looking at some old EYFS planning from my school and at the back of each week is a list of highlighted learning intentions for that week. Do we have specific learning intentions for the new EYFS or do you think they could have been the DMs from the old eyfs? Any help would be much appreciated. Hope youve all had a restful half term jxx
help help help
by Guest- 6 replies
Please can anyone help? I have been teaching reception for a while I had thought I was doing ok , my lesson observations have been good and sometimes outstanding the children generally make very good progress. This year though it all seems to have gone into freefall.... I have a class with some very challenging behaviour and various special needs mostly around ASD all of which I have encountered before and shouldn't be difficult to manage. I feel that I am failing completely at the moment I am not happy with my palnning and despite having looked at lots of posts and threads and still confused I thought my planning was ok now I don't think it is quite right for the new E…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 8 replies
Following bonfire night my class have become really interested in fire/fire engines and fire-fighters. The questions they have asked include: How do they put fires out? What do their clothes look like? What colour are their helmets? Where do they sleep? How can they lift heavy stuff? What do they do? I'm going to do as much of this as possible and I think the 'How can they lift heavy stuff' will tie in to the healthy diet part of EYFS but I can't figure out where to link the rest? Any ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
Lesson observation little red hen
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone, I'm being observed this week and our topic is the little red hen, I have no idea what to do that is both exciting and challenging ( I teach reception) Any suggestions? Xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I recently downloaded a set of CP long term planners (sorry I can't remember who had uploaded them but thank you!). I liked the format but noticed that it didn't have actual DM statements or ELGs etc but more types of learning from the different AOLs. Was thinking of adding the DM statements like in my old LT planners but for the revised EYFS of course but am now wondering if this is necessary? Hope it's ok that I'm adapting these planners for my setting? Thanks, Green hippo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
What to do?
by Guest- 6 replies
Ok so i need help. We have a four year old she can read just about anything. When she does read she just reads line by line. When you ask her about the story she can tell you what happened so she is understanding what she is reading..Ii think. Also we gave her a cooking activity and she read the recipe independently and carried out the task with very little help. She can also write....all letters formed correctly she writes a massive amount of words that she is familiar with and using phonetic knowledge to attempt to write words she doesn't know. We're a don't have the school resources for say reception/key stage one. Can anyone advise on what we could do …