Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 5 replies
Hi everyone! Has anyone got any ideas to get my children creating and thinking critically?! Any innovative/ creative ideas that people have used that children love? Really trying to get my learners thinking critically! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Tracking pupil progress
by Guest- 22 replies
Hi, I have just sat down to look at the tracking sheet and mentally prepare myself for my half term job. I don't know if anyone feels the same but I really feel that the DM seem harder to achieve this year. Is it me reading too deeply into the statements or its harder? I have a challenging cohort and feel a little worried by the new statements and what is potentially expected. I really worry that as practitioner this new document leave the statements incredibly open to interpretation and no definitive explanation of what things mean?? I sound so very moany!!! :oD
Focus activity question
by Guest- 0 replies
I am a reception teacher and at the moment in the setting we do two focus activities in a week on a morning and 3 maths in a week in the morning so mon,tues will be cll and then the rest of morning will be maths. In the afternoon we will do 5 different activities in the afternoon as well as there is only two of us that means one is doing the good quality ci stuff and the other is doing the focus activity I think we miss out. I was thinking of doing only three focus activities in a week with the rest just ci. What does everyone think? Would be great to hear other ideas I'm really not sure what to do
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I am an NQT, just moved to Plymouth to start my new job. Would like to meet some like minded people and am also interested in the research the Children’s Mathematics Network is doing and would be interested in starting a network group in the future. Here is a link to the Children’s Mathematics Network if you haven’t heard of it before - Would love to hear from you. Hannah
- 3 replies
Hi For quite a few years now, I have used this as my maths medium term plan. MTP maths eyfs.doc I have just used it as a checklist, to ensure that i cover all the things that I should be. I was wondering if anyone else had a better medium term plan out there? I love using numbers and patterns document for ideas but ideally I would like a MTP that has some ideas too, rather than just the objectives.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43674, -
Development Plan
by Guest- 0 replies
Hello All, I am writing my development plan for the year, and I am finding it hard to select development points as the new documents do not related and my outcomes can not be related. Has anybody else come across this? Last years cohort over all improved on the previous years results, therefore I can not say if we were down buy 0.4 in writing what we are going to do to improve it? Am I making sense, sorry! Has anyone got any advice or an example of what you are putting into your development plan. Jenna
whole reception class eyfs assessment grid
by Guest tinkerbell- 5 replies
Hi Does anyone have such a thing? I am still wondering how to record my baseline and termly progress.I would prefer to use a whole class paper to keep in my file.Results would be transfered to e-profile or sims (don't know what HT wants just yet) thank you Tinkerbell
- 7 replies
I'm having a bit of a 'blank' moment. I'm just trying to put together an overview of which objectives I'd like to focus on next half term but am wondering about the prime areas. I tend to find that we naturally work with children to develop wherever they area in each aspect of these all the time, throughout all activities so I don't often plan specifically for them - except for physical development. Should I be? What do the rest of you do? I'm feeling that if I put the prime areas in too my planning becomes somewhat unwieldy and there then becomes more emphasis than I'm comfortable with on adult-led activities. I'm going to save my 'blank' moment about charact…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Guided reading record sheets
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, Starting guided reading this half term, was wondering if anybody would share their recording sheets for ideas? Much appreciated
- 14 replies
Today we had a wonderful time! After a brief discussion about Halloween with a number of children, I dug out the halloween costumns and put them in the home-corner, thinking "this will liven up and change the role-play, perfect for extending their role-play skills, as well as communication and language." I was at that point NOT thinking about any particular children whose 'target' it is to extend their skills in these areas but more generally thinking that we can use this as a way into developing any/all children's role-play or/and C&L skills at WHATEVER LEVEL THEY MAY BE (and we are all well aware of where they are, where they need to go next!). An enormous amount of…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562,