Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Chatting On The Carpet
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I'm just looking for advice really, I am an NQT in Reception and although I am really enjoying it I know it is important to crack down on behaviour straight away and chatting on the carpet is a big issue for this class. Almost a third of the class have no English whatsoever so I don't blame them that they are completely uninterested but its starting to make things difficult. I have tried really visual things, attention grabbing songs etc but I manage to get their attention and then 2 minutes later we are back to little 2/3 person conversations in their home languages. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Planning For The First Week
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all Next week my children will be starting school in reception, for half a day. Just wondering if anybody has any ideas for what i can put on my tables. My school has fairly low supplies of resources, and so need to think about some creative aqctivities. So far I am doing playdough with cake cases and candels, where children have to count amounts correctly and also to encourage one more and one less. On another table I was thinking about putting various collage shapes to make pictures, on another I will have mirrors to encourage children to draw pictures of themselves, on the floor consstruction, on the mark making area- house shapesd paper, and access to various r…
Supporting Eal Children
by Guest- 1 reply
I was wondering what other people do to support eal children in terms of the learning environment? We have signs for the different areas in several languages and use a visual timetable. Do you do anything different? Has anyone had any experience of ofsted expecting to see certain things- we are due a visit any day! Thanks Becs
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 3 replies
Now the new eyfs is in place are you ignoring the core strand objectives in literacy and maths. We are an all age special school and had been required to put core strands on our planning but now wonderif I can ditch and just use dm and elg . What are others doing? Thanks, Catriona
- 3 replies
Hello, Im now thinking of returning to school and planning (nothing like the last minute!!!) My first topic is Rights and Responsibilities, I have adapted it for my mixed foundation/year 1 class to be 'All about me'. Does anyone have any ideas of books that relate to these topics that i can use as a basis for my fiction please? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Playdough Mats
by Guest- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi does anyone have any phase 2 and phase 3 playdough mats they could possibly let me have a copy of a sparklebox and twinkl keep crashing tonight ? xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
Numbered Development Matters
by Guest- 1 follower
- 23 replies
Afternoon! Has anybody got an electronic copy of the development matters with numbers next to each statement. The idea being when I reference in Learning Journeys I can write M 3.1 etc instead of the whole staement. It's on my list to make but if somebody already has then I can attempt the rest of my to-do-list! Many Thanks :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
Rewards, Sanctions And Timeout 1 2
by Guest- 42 replies
I would appreciate some simple ideas I can whip up quickly between now and Monday for timeout and chances. I was thinking of a timeout mat, but depending on the severity of the misdemeanor, I normally like to give 3 chances then they're on the mat. E.g. Hitting, biting etc etc would be instant timeout, whereas not listening, sharing, using equip properly would be 3 warnings then time out. Any ideas for a visual chance chart would be appreciated. Perhaps one where the child physically moves their name along something
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6666, -
History In Year 1
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, Can I ask Year 1 teachers what history topics they cover over the year. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Where To Start . . . . . .
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all . . . . Well it'snearly over and I am attempting to get back into work mode . . . So far it's not really gone of plan!!! I'm trying to get my head around the new eyfs & to determine what implications this will have on planning, routines etc - my only ( well I say only!!) problem is that I am moving to a new school in sept and as such do not have a thorough understanding of what is currently in place & as such do not really know where to start .....As such I am feeling very under prepared for the start of the new term . . . Which in turn is making me feel anxious and completely out of my depth ( even though I have been teaching for 17 years & have been i…