Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 6 replies
Hi all, After reading through so many wonderful and helpful replies regarding the revised EYFS I am hoping you will now be able to give me some pointers about how you are going to carry out baseline assessments in your reception classes? Having spoken to my KS1 co-ordinator, she has told me that I need to observe all children (31) for all of the 30-50 month Development matters statements, from each area! Now to me this seems a bit extreme and also impossible to do with just myself and another TA. Would really appreciate any thoughts/ideas for how I should be doing this, or what you are planning to do. Many thanks from a (very!) stressed out Lx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_40917, -
- 23 replies
Hi all, My local authority have put together the attached pack and emailed it to all practitioners last week. It has sheets for all stages of EYFS and includes 2 year check, transition docs from pre school and end of reception year summative assessment. Thought it might be useful and save some time! Deb Glos EYFS Summative Development Support Pack.docGlos EYFS Summative Development Support Pack.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_665, -
First Term Science Inv Area
by Guest- 3 replies
What do most of you do for first couple of weeks in your science/inv area. Any ideas for theme below gratefully recieved. Is this science-y enough? My Science subject leader wants a science focus display every term. Was thinking of going with 'all about me' theme and drawing a split half face, one side with different colour/style hair/eye colour etc. To stimulate discussion that we are the same but different. Could add a few books Then thought could add questions - can you find someone with same eye colour/how many people have your eye colour? Provied pics of chn and let them sort by similarities - blondes etc. Provide B&Q paint palettes - can they find t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 11 replies
I am in the process of playing around with my MTP for my first topic bears. I have finally decided on a very simple planning format, but am now wondering how much of the DM objectives to include? Do I include 30-50, 40-60 and ELG? I know it depends on the children as I will have a range of abilities, but there will be a lot of objectives, especially the communication and Lang and literacy! Just some advice or insight into what others are doing would be great. Thanks
Long Term Planning
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Just wondered does anyone have a quick link to festivals, holidays, important events etc which I could use to sort out my long term planning please Thank a lot xxxx
- 12 replies
I have just doctored a version of the Development Matters document kindly put into the pre-school area by KirstyC (with her permission!). Have managed to fit all the DM statements for 30-50 months onwards onto a page per area of learning, so 7 pages in all. I'm going to use this to go into my Learning Diaries for my new Reception class in September. Thought it might be useful to some of you. Have also added my new Evidence sheet with the 7 Areas of Learning and the 3 characteristics of learning. Will also put into Learning Diaries so I can cross reference my evidence... Went to new EYFS briefing yesterday, so have been inspired to get sorted for September! Dev matte…
Home Visits
by Guest ChunkyMan- 2 replies
Hi all, Nor sure if this is the correct place to put this. I will be doing home visits next week and wonder what other people do on theres. Myself and NNEB visit and previously I have spent time talking to Mum/Dad and filling in forms, getting info etc whilst my TA plays and interact with the child - we usually give the child their book bag with some pencils, scissors etc in, also we have previously used a test to establish the extent of the childs vocab - think it is may be Nelson....I'm not sure that this is relevant anymore as it doesn't really inform assessment. What do you all do? Cx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38743, -
Investiagtion Area
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I'm feeling around for some ideas on what to put in my investiagtion area for the 2 weeks of setting in and then linked to my topic of bears. It can't be anything too huge with loads of resources as it will be siutated at the end of a computer bench in a medium sized tuff tray. Thanks (not my strongest area I'm afraid investigative!)
Reception And Ofsted 2012 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Hi, Is anyone like me thinking all of a sudden we are expected to be more like year one? I feel putting EYFS in with the whole school is encouraging head teachers to treat us more like the rest of the school. What happened to year one more like reception? I think its inevitable that we will be more structured in our teaching our young children. I ve been in early years all my teaching life and I am actually getting a little nervous about what is happening. Big focus on reading/phonics etc leading to testing in year one is increasingly impacting on EYFS beliefs. What do you all think? Our setting got outstanding last Ofsted, I m not sure we will now!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_36922, -
- 2 replies
I'm sure this has already been discussed but what are you doing about the look, listen and note part of your 'old' planning if you had one? It seems to me that many of the development matters are worded more like the old 'look, listen and note'. Are you bothering with the LLN box anymore? Thanks, Green Hippo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,