Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hello all, this is my first post so I hoping for some inspiration from all EYPs out there! I have just been appointed as a reception teacher in a school which maybe doesn't understand how valuable CI learning is. For that reason I hope to set very clear routines from september where ALL adults are supporting CI and adult led activities are done at a seperate time. However with a ratio of 1:15 (There are TAs for each class) I am aware that I will only be able to do some adult led activities e.g. phonics with half that number. Any suggestions from anyone of what to do with the other half and how to fit in both groups daily. My plan was originally to have fingergym, CI,…
- 5 replies
Hi all, I hope someone can shed a bit of light or is willing to share their thoughts/plans for September with regard to baseline assessment? I have been advised by our Early Years Consultant to just use the relevant month category from Development matters as a guideline. What does everyone think? Any clearer advice/thoughts? Quite new to reception so would welcome a little help. Many thanks, x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Reception Planning
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi Folks, Starting in a new school in Reception in September. Have been shown their planning. Letters and Sounds plan includes sections called 'Revisit and review,teach, practice, apply'. The maths plan has sections called ' Rehearse, recall, revise' Does anyone know where these headings come from? Is it another document that has appeared over the last few years that I have missed whilst working in pre-school? So much to learn..... Edlee
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 1 reply
has anyone had any experience of a mixed reception and preschool class - with preschool children from 2:6 (possibly 2 ?) all in one classroom, sharing resources etc. what are the pros and cons , how does it work , is it managable,how many staff do you have -what are their 'roles'. i have no experience of this, and have never heard of any setting doing it -so any information would be very gratefully received x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
Child-Led Planning For Topic Themes
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi! I teach Reception, small class of 21 next year with 1 teacher (2 actually - a new job share partner is coming and 2 TAs). It's an independent school, and rather old school - although we continue to move forward... I want to start the new school year with a revamp. I want to embrace the new EYFS! I want our planning in Topic work to be Child-Led. This gives me the complete heebiegeebies so I am looking for advice. Our topic themes have been set for years. A new topic theme each half term - themes set in advance to avoid clashes with Nursery 1, Nursery 2, Year 1 and Year 2. We have planned the activities we want the children to do mostly under the KUW headi…
Managing Observations
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi everyone, I work in a large nursery within a school and are getting even bigger next year! We will have 52 in the morning and 52 in the afternoon! Dues to this, we are looking at organising our observations on an observation wall somehow, so we can see who has observations, who doesn't and target certain children for areas of learning. Has anyone got any photographs of how they do this? Have done this before in a school which was a one form entry school, but with so many children, obviously space is an issue. We also want to try to encourage parents to add to the profiles too. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
Activity With Euro Football Cards
by Guest ChunkyMan- 1 reply
Hi everyone, We are currently doing a topic about the world and in the light of all the sport at the moment we have been concentrating on Euro 2012, looking at flags, football kits, European countries etc etc etc. we are doing the Olympics after this coming week. My eldest son has a load of football cards from last year which I would love to use with my F2 class...... Any ideas as to what activities we could do with them? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated........ Thanks Cx
Eyfs 2012 Word
by Guest Greenhouse- 7 replies
Hello You WONDERFUL People I have been looking for the new EYFS 2012 Framework in a Word document, so it can be editted and used? Does anyone out there know if it is available in this form?
Lesson Observation- Camping!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, I have a lesson observation on Wednesday (found out today!) in Reception. We just started the topic today. The children want to go on a journey camping- So I thought (come rain or shine, we have water proofs and wellies) that the TA and a group of mixed ability children could go outdoors, use their imagination to decide how to get there e.g. make a boat with crates, car with blocks etc, then go into the SMALL wooded area and build shelters-? When they get there she will say she has forgotten the tent! what can they do? hopefully they will suggest building one!!!she will need to talk about out to make shelters, what the purpose is- sh will have some photos with she…
Interview Question Help!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I have an interview next week and I have been asked to prepare a 10 minute presenatation on the following question. The question is : How will you ensure that the Foundation Stage is judged as outstanding by September 2014 A flip chart will be available for me if I require this for my presentation. I am allowed to prepare the flip chart prior to my interview. No IT is available Can anyone help please??? thanks Luna