School Curriculum and General issues
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- 10 replies
does anyone know the definitions of some of the terms in EYFS? We have just had an advisor in who tells us there is no such thing as child led activities they are independent tasks which are set by the adults for the children to practise the skills they have learnt from the focused tasks. I am very concerned that everything will become far too structured if we go along tis route. Help! any thoughts wou;d be gratefully recieved. XX
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Parents Notice Board
by Guest- 8 replies
Help..... I want to put up a notice board outside my reception class for parents. Would anyone be willing to share the sorts of things you display on yours?? I have thought about putting up the luchtime menu, requests for items to be sent in, upcoming topics and copies of letters already sent home. Any more ideas would be fantastic.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1208, -
Transport Ideas
by Guest- 2 replies
The EY unit is being quality assured next week by the Early Years inspector with a specilism in maths. I have looked thorugh the previous threads on transport but was wondering if there were any other great ideas out there?!?!?!? The children are quite strong in NLC but are still very much at the mark making stage in CLL. I look forward to reading your replies! XXX
Year 1 Interview
by Guest- 5 replies
A friend of mine has an interview for Year 1 - think it's a 20 minute activity. I teach YR so said I would have a think about super-duper ideas (!!) but wondered if anyone has any 'wow' things they have done with Year 1? Thanks, purplemagic
Home Visits?
by Guest- 7 replies
My EYFS leader (who doesn't/hasn't) taught in YR/EYFS wants me to visit children and their parents in their homes before they start school. I already visit nurseries/playgroups during my PPA time to see the children in their familiar settings and chat to their key workers. I am happy to arrange to meet with the parents but feel this should happen in school. The leader thinks parents open up more and ask the questions they wouldn't be comfortable asking in a school environment and I get to see what the children's behaviour is like at home. At the moment I think this is being nosey, possibly dangerous for me, I'm not comfortable with doing it and as a parent I would have…
Two Class Intake
by Guest- 17 replies
We are quite a large primary school and have two classes per year group. We have very uninspiring class 'names' at the moment RM and RE. The children in our classes are also called 'Reception' 'Foundation Stage' and 'FS' by various different members of staff - it is all very confusing. We also have a reception area next to the school office and this has caused lots of mix up even with the older children - sometimes arriving in our classroom with a message for the secretary. So we are trying to think about two 'equal' names we could call each Reception Class - and I was wondering whether all you fantastic people out there have any brilliant ideas????????????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789, -
Help Needed
by Guest- 18 replies
Hello, This is the first time I have posted on the forum. I have been sent on an improving teaching course and for next week I have to prepare and carry out a 15mins carpet session using a picture for a Reception/Year one class. I teach Nursery so feel a bit ouot of my depth - any ideas or suggestion would be great. Thank you
by Guest- 3 replies
Help! I have to do my first assembly with my Foundation Stage class on Friday 13th Nov. It has to be bout 10/15 min long, infront of our parents and the rest of the school. I have mainly reception children with a few nursery children. Does anyone have any ideas of what we could do? Please..... Thanks
Witches Broom
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi can anyone help? My head gave me a broom stick (like a witch has!). I am trying to think of some exciting ways to use it that could lead into some sort of 'reason to write'. We will be doing light and dark and so far I am struggling with some writing opportunities other than writing spells linked to this theme. Can anyone come up with any exciting suggestions as to how I could use the broom? I was thinking along the lines of 'discovering' it and then thinking about how it got there etc which I am sure will generate lots of talk and excitement. We have learning obs coming up ( to observe writing) and it would be good to use the broom. Or maybe I should just focus on…
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, want to do some rhyming actvities with my class next week and was wondering if anyone has some good interactive programmes they would recommend for my IWB? Have looked at the razzle dazzle stuff but not quite what I want - we have done lots of tuning into sounds and they did loads in nursery so want something more about matching rhyming words? Any ideas gratefully recieived! ems