School Curriculum and General issues
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Safeguarding Children Policy
by Guest- 2 replies
I have been asked to write a safeguarding policy especially for the reception classes (we have always had the whole school one up to now) and also an intimate care policy re changing children etc. Just wondered if anyone had one already which they were willing to share before I start writing!! thanks
Reading Books
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, I'm the new Literacy coordinator in school and have finally been given permission to get some new reading books (home/school reading books) to rejuvinate our shelves (we had books that had been there since the late 1960s!!). This is a great job, as we've been needing them for a long time! We use the book band colours. I am unsure which books to buy. The members of staff would like to go with a scheme to help with progression, but the head doesn't like the idea of a scheme. She would rather have 'real' books (ie not a scheme), so the children can just choose from the book band. Obviously I will have to go with the head's final decision, but I was just won…
- 4 replies
Hi Everyone, I recently joined the forum and this is my first post - so here it goes (fingers crossed it’s in the right area)... I’m working in Reception and worried that I have too many adult directed activities going on in the room (always at least two) and not enough CIL. The problem is that the room is completely unsuitable for the FS. I have near to no resources (no...really!) and all the furniture is completely unsuitable for the age range. Children can’t freely access the resources. I have been placing things out for independent activities, trying to involve lots of investigation etc. The problem is, does that count as CIL if the resources have been selecte…
- 4 replies
For those of you who have successfully initiated more play based learning in year 1, what are your most useful and necessary resources? We have an opportunity to develop our practise but need to prioritise. Thanks.
Transition To Year 1
by Guest- 14 replies
We had our first year of real EYFS values last year, free flow, designated and organised areas of learning, play based learning with some structured/teacher based learning - children were fantastic and had a great year. They had made heaps of progress and were producing a really good standard of work. We had come away from the 'getting them ready for year 1' line and year 1 spent time seeing what we were doing so that they could replicate it as much as possible for the first half term to ease transition. All sounds good, really positive I'm sure you'll agree. However, they have started the year being far more formal than that, the children commenting on the fact th…
Resourcing A Reception Class
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everyone, Just looking for some help from fellow reception teachers. We are currently having a well needed revamp in my reception class. New storage units that will enable children to access all of the resources, new resources and a top up of resources. I'm in need of a list of resources that SHOULD be in every area in the classroom. Has anyone seen something that I could download which tells me what should be in the writing area, the maths area etc. I have a book on order but i need to order resources before half term so just looking for some advice really. Thanks in advance
- 6 replies
Hello all I have moved from Y5 to the school Nursery class this year - previously no experience in foundation stage - and the Headteacher is due to observe me in 2 weeks time for performance management. I was wondering if anybody could give me some pointers as to what good/ outstanding teaching looks like with a nursery class. (note: the observation will be based on CLL, during 15/20 minutes of carpet time with 20 children in a unit comprising Reception and day care classes also). Thanks Cloudy
by Guest- 1 reply
Evening I work in a primary school with an FS unit. I have come back from maternity leave and feel a bit lost in regards to what I need to know about safeguarding. As a school we have a CP officer and an SEN co ord and they deal with safeguarding. Does anyone know what I should know? should I have details on individual children? Should I have things written down or just know where to access them? We are gonna get a visit from OFSTED soon and don't want to let the team down. Any help and advice would be great. Oh my role is FS leader.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Outdoor Storage
by Guest- 5 replies
We are looking for a way of storing resources in our outdoor area. I was thinking of getting plastic storage chests/cupboards designed for gardens. Does anybody have any better ideas, any advice or catalogues/internet addresses I can go to for this? Thank you very much, Ruthanne
Tortoise Ideas
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone have any good ideas linked to tortoises? I am in a Rec/Y1 class and we are learning about animal homes at the moment. I am going to take my friend's tortoise in on Monday, and could do with some good ideas for activities linked to this. We had Ofsted this week and my brain is not functioning any more!! My TA suggested creating tortoises using egg boxes etc, and I am going to read 'The Hare and the Tortoise' and maybe act it out. We have also got a vet's role play area. Any other ideas from you clever people out there?