School Curriculum and General issues
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- 12 replies
I went to a Clld meeting where a teacher was talking about the way they now do guided reading. She said that they grouped their children according to phonic phases and have recently sorted out their reading scheme into phonic phases. What a good idea I thought so came back and mentioned it to the head. We both thought it would be a good way of getting the children to apply their phonics. It is now 6pm and I am sat here at school with piles of books, piles of wordlists and a big headache! Has anyone done this in there setting? If so how? We have oxford reading tree scheme books and other than ploughing through each one and working out which words are phonetically decodable…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Just Had Ofsted
by Guest- 8 replies
Just had Ofsted this week - aaahhhh! I am new to school this September and have been trying to implement EYFS, as up to now has been v formal... Just wanted to let everyone know what a positive experience Ofsted has been. Our inspector was an early years specialist and very approachable. She could see we were trying our best, but that we are struggling with the resources etc that we have. We won't have done brilliantly as far as a grade is concerned, but she was very positive and said she can see that things will change - she even recommended me some web pages to look at!!! I felt she was there to help us rather than criticise. All in all it was quite exciting, as n…
Destructive Children/tidying Up
by Guest- 10 replies
I have a year one class who are generally well behaved with no major issues (just a lot of niggly things that we're working on). There is a huge issue though which I'm at a loss with. We're 6 weeks into the term and my classroom seems to be getting destroyed everyday! As a class the children seem to have no respect for anything in the classroom (books, toys, resources, etc) and at tidy up time will just shove things back wherever they feel like it, meaning I find things all over the place and things keep getting lost. The other part time teacher has commented that she's never had such a destructive class in all her years in teaching either! It's not that they are del…
Alliterative Text Please
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, please please please, has anyone got any great suggestions on a text using alliteration. Ive just had a great week using each peach pear plum, and a week on rhyme has really instilled rhyme with the chn. Be great to hear from you xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Addressing Plant Misconceptions
by Guest- 8 replies
I am looking for an activity that addresses the misconception that trees aren't plants. (Unit 1b) Any help would be great thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 13 replies
Just wondered if many teachers were using PLODs in their reception classes? Also how they are using them? Not sure if they should be regularly updated based on next steps from observations or done at the end of each half term for the following half term? Also wondered how you then ensure you plan from them so you meet the needs of all children in your class? I want to start using them just a little unsure how. I was thinking of having 5 focus children a week who you could target in their play to meet their next steps recorded on the PLODs. Hope that makes sense and really interested to hear what peoples thoughts are. Thanks KST x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
Covering For Teachers
by Guest- 19 replies
Hi everyone, In our school level three TA's (or equivalent) cover for absent teachers eg. to allow for PPA, short term illness, meetings, courses plus any release time. However I understand from union guidelines/other documentation that support staff are only to cover for teachers in an emergency such as- illness in the short term or for unplanned occasions such as speaking to a parent, taking a telephone call etc. According to these documents PPA can be covered by staff with a level three qualification, taking whole classes as long as the lesson is pre planned ie. no 'active teaching' is taking place. This should only be carried out by a qualified teacher or HLTA. Wh…
- 8 replies
Can anyone help am in need some inspiration for Harvest Festival. I have a 15 min slot with a small group rec/yr1. Thanx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13306, -
Songs To Grab Attention
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi everyone Was just wondering who has some songs to grab the children's attention when you bring them onto the carpet at transition times? I use music to signal to the children it is time to stop an activity and sit on the carpet, but could do with some sort of song that children can join in with or an echo song or some sort of chant once the music has been turned off before they get bored and start wriggling. Thanks XXX
Eyfs Policy
by Guest- 13 replies
I have recently updated our eyfs policy too adapting a model policy have attached it to help others as a starting point St_Peter__s.doc