School Curriculum and General issues
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- 2 replies
Hi, I' returning to the boards, having only recently decided to return to work after having a baby. I'm an EYP who qualified on the full pathway last year, and I have my first job interview for the position of manager of an afterschool club on Thursday. I have to lead an activity with around 8 children. Has anyone else done anyhting similar. I'd be very grateful for any ideas. I'm so nervous my mind has gone a bit blank!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
Communication Friendly Places
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, Does anyone have any tips on how to make very simple communication friendly spaces. I' don't know if we can use photos, but if there are any without children on I would love to see ideas. many thanks Sunshine
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 6 replies
Help all. My friend started work without her QTS English exam thinking she had 5 years to get it. As she now has it she has been told she has to repeat her NQT year. Can anyone shed some clarity on this please as very upset and poor friend. Help much appreciated.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I have been asked to observe for performance management in Reception and am after pointers of what to look for. I have not taught in Reception before and would appreciate your help. I think I have been thrown in the deep end a little. All advice appreciated! Dallas
Teaching Activity For An Interview
by Guest- 15 replies
Hello all! I have an interview on Friday (9th Oct) for a job as a reception class teacher. I have to plan a 20 minute play activity for 4 children. In the 20 minutes I have to allow time for interaction with the children and some time to make written observations about one child in the group. I had an idea of taking in some garden snails for the children to investigate. I thought we could discuss what they look like and the children could also hold them. I could then take the children outside at the end of the session to set the snails free! Does this sound like a suitable activity for an interview situation? Any ideas or help would be greatly appreci…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Challenge Area
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello! I am a year one teacher and am building a challenge area. Mainly for the benefit of the gifted and talented children. Does anyone have any nice activities/ideas to put into a challenge box?
- 11 replies
Hi, Just wondered if people can advise me on what to do with a rather pushy parent. Her daughter has just turned 5 in my reception class and mum doesn't think that the free flow child initiated approach to reception is pushing her child enough. She is so pushy she demanded a reading book (ORT book) on the first day!!! I tried to persuade to read real books with her but she wouldn't have it. The little girl is bright, she can read quite a few of 100 high frequency words but all by sight, not blending. I extend her within group activities, she is not exceptionally brighter than the rest of my top group. She also asked when she was going to be bringing spellings home - p…
Magic Week
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello everyone! A couple of the children in my class are really interested in magic and they keep casting spells on each other! This combined with the fact that Halloween is fast approaching made me think that a mini magic topic would be a good idea. I just wondered if you lovely people had any good ideas! So far I have come up with... Magic prop box (for imaginary play) Recipes and potions (messy play) Magic colouring with those magic pens Make wands/wizard hats (creative) Abny other ideas I could add to the list? I'm being observed during the week so a really good lesson idea would be much appreciated! Look forward to hearing your ideas Thanks in…
Free Flow..your View?
by Guest- 10 replies
Its kind of hard to word this without sounding anti freeflow as im not but as a setting that is freeflow all day inside and out i have a few worries. My main worry is that although we do resource our outside area in a way that promotes all the early learning areas-we (as a unit of 4 classes) have many children who tend to just basically run riot-play fight (when they think we arnt watching ) etc. Therefore, though im sure many of you are all for outdoors/freeflow im genuinely interested to know how you would feel if your own child 'chose' to play outside in the Reception year for most of the day, everyday in this way? I have a child you see and i wouldnt like to th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Daily Routine
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
[size="2"]Hi everyone, i have never posted on here before and im in need of some help. This is my first year teaching in a reception class and im not at all confident im doing the right thing. I'm not used to the daily routine and i havent been given much advice from school as no one seems to know how the day should be set up either. At the moment the children are having whole class teaching for 15 mins in the morning then they go and do child initiated play while i rotate groups to get activities done. I've been told to do three activities a day, CLL, PRSN and one other. I just feel that the way i'm setting it up isnt right and there should be more structure to it s…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager,