School Curriculum and General issues
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- 7 replies
hello i really want to get my parents into the classroom, and involved. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how to run a session where parents come in and play with their children, i dont feel confident enought to 'teach' carpet sessions with parents in, any thoughts? Really want to make this work as i know parents are an issue in our school, as in they dont get involved, quite a deprived area and i think most parents find school a bit intimadating. I thought if i can get them in in FStage they might take part in school life further up the school. thanks for any help you can give
Show And Tell Table
by Guest cheryl3- 5 replies
Hello everyone, still trying to get the hang of this so please forgive me if I am doing it all wrong! A number of our children bring items into the setting for "Show and Tell". We have an area dedicated to these items. They are at eye level, however all children can reach them, therefore you can imagine how many times many of the items get mixed up with the pre school toys and therefore lost! I did think about using a clear plastic box with a lid. That way the children can place their item in the box and it is still at eye level for them to see but won't go astray - would anyone know if this is the right thing to do - or better still any other ideas? Thank…
Managing Mixed Reception And Year 1
by Guest sarahjw- 0 replies
Hi everyone I have a mixed reception and year 1 class in a school which has had lots of issues in recent years over standards and achievement. As such there is great pressure (from the LA) to see improvements in assessments every term, either using EYFS or national curriculum levels as appropriate. The problem is because of all this pressure I think I'm trying to do too much. I'm trying to stick with EYFS principles and ensure the Year 1s are getting sufficient challenge. At the moment I am trying to do a maths lesson, a phonics session, a literacy lesson and some topic work each day, with all the Y1s having written tasks to do, and the 2 reception groups alterna…
Free Flow Play
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi. I am returning to work after maternity leave and want to try and give the children more choice and freedom during free flow play but finding this hard to manage and organise. How do others manage free flow play. Can the children access everything in the classroom or do you limit them somehow? I am finding that there is so much to choose from and there is no focus or they are getting too much out. Do you just have basic things in each area and add enhancements according to children's interests or do you let them decide what they want to get out. Any ideas would be welcome.
Bravery Assembly
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi guys, Well last time I posted on here I was as a trainee, I am now a fully fledged teacher working in a mixed nursery/reception unit. I am after some advice please, on wednesday KS1 will be coming to join us for assembly, its only 15 mins so thought I would talk a little about how bravery can be something big or small but really need a nice story to go with it, any ideas???? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Help Foundation Unit
by Guest- 4 replies
I am a teacher I have 14 F2 children and 14 F1 children. (F1s only in mornings.) I am Teacher I have a TA and then another lady who is 1:1 with a child. The classroom is so very hectic, is there anyone else in same set up who can . I hoping that we still in settling in period and things will calm down. We are a very free flow setting and thinking that this is possible why hectic. Any advice
- 6 replies
hello! at a staff meeting it has been suggested that we need to be intrducing challenges in our primary school, to push the higher abitlity children, i like the idea and think i will introduce to reception 1 challnge a week - maybe linked to topic or big book that week, just wondered if anyone already does this and if so how they organise it, thinkin of a small display and some sort of interactive activity. any ideas or help would be great. thanks
- 3 replies
HELP! I am very new to all this. I have moved from a Y5 class to Nursery this year with no training/ preparation/ support in advance. I am booked in for CPD at the end of November but could do with some help now. I am working in a foundation unit with daycare, nursery and reception so getting some help and assistance there. Though you could say that the unit does not really plan and work together very well. Need help with planning formats & planning using the EYFS document, teaching ideas, routines, observations, assessments, researching, evaluating adopting & doing baseline assessments (OFSTED want numerical! - school have asked me to address). T…
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm trying to organise a meeting for parents to come in and get tips on how to read with their children at home and help their children to read. Has anyone done one beofre and got any good ideas in addition to showing a PP presentation? Also has anyone got any good Power Point presentations they have used that they could share with me. As an NQT I would really appreciate any help xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
Parents Presentation Evening
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello all, I am an NQT and have just started in reception. I have to give a presentation to the parents next week telling them what we do in the foundation stage and I wondered if any of you experienced people could offer any advice on how best to do it!! I was thinking of a powerpoint presentation, I found a link on here to a presentation someone had done but I wasn't able to open it. Does anyone have a presentation I could have a look at???? Thanks