School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Eyfs In Reception Class
by Guest babyjane31- 9 replies
Have just spent the morning helping in my daughters class which is a mixed reception/year 1 class, and as a pre-school manager can honestly say i could see no sign of the eyfs in practice. The children were only allowed to play with the resources that had been set out for them during free play and were told off if they tried to get out anything else, and they were only allowed outside during outside play time and were painting pictures about cinderella. At the painting table they were told they had to paint something with reference to cinderella whether they wanted to or not, if their pictures were not recognisable the TA was holding the paintbrush with the child so th…
Feely Tray/senses Table Ideas
by Guest- 17 replies
Do you have a feely tray area in you setting? We have a smaller tuffspot as a feely tray and im quite limited for ideas on what to put in it so thought thos thread could be used as inspiration for us We tend to use the following in ours: Cooked pasta/rice/cous cous and spaghetti Jelly, ice Gloop, stones, fir cones etc Any other ideas welcome Also, do you use shaving foam or gel? This was suggested to me but i wondered about their skin so not sure
- 4 replies
Hi, I've decided to have shared reading in groups as one of my adult led tasks each week before the children are ready to start proper guided reading sessions. Does anyone have any suggestions of good books to use for this. I am looking to teach the children about how books work, turning pages, talking about the story etc and introducing initial sounds. Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Reception And Rights Of The Child
by Guest- 9 replies
as a primary school we are discussing the rights of the child and putting up displays related to some of the articles. is it appropriate for reception class to be taking part seeing as they have just started school and i am not sure if they would understand the concept. if so does anyone have any ideas of what i could do jobags
Stay And Play Sessions
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello We are starting to carry out weekly stay and play session for our reception class and I was wondering if anyone else did anything similar?! We are going to offer all parents to come in every Friday afternoon and simply sign up if they plan to come that week. We are giving our parent partnership a big push and this is one of the ways we want them to get involved!! I just wanted to see if anyone carried out these kind of sessions and could tell me how they went etc. We are in an area where parents can be rather scared of school and I do feel it needs to be alot of play based activities without too much stress or extra planning for myself. I would just lik…
Outdoor Equipment
by Guest- 1 reply
Doe anyone know where we can get reasonably priced wheeled trollies for the outdooe area please. I want to arrange the outdoor things so the children can have easy access to them and we can wheel them out with ease. thank you very much killowengirl
Knowledge & Understanding
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone. I'm New to this. I am being observed soon and and in knowledge & understanding we are looking at maps. We are planning a treasure hunt using a map. Any ideas of independent activity? Thank you
Industrial Links
by Guest- 1 reply
Has anyone created links with industry suitable for 4-5- year olds?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 6 replies
Hi Everyone I usually use my outdoor area everyday. There is only 2 members of staff so one in and one outside is how we work it. I make sure that I have one adult doing a focus activity and one supporting play. When the adult is supporting play inside I often find it difficult to think of active outdoor adult led activities. We let the children choose outside too but I often find that if you don't have a focus activity then they can run round and round quite inconstructively. With the weather getting colder I want to try and plan active outdoor sessions to keep the children warm when outside. So far the activities that I have done are: Running to numbers/shap…
Q For Reception Teachers...
by Guest- 17 replies
When you do literacy/numeracy tasks are they usually for an hour each day or just 20 minutes short tasks. Im new to reception from upper KS1 and have hardly any guidance from peers and spent along time on my timetable last night but im still unsure as to wheter i should be aiming to do literacy tasks for an hour each day or make them shorter. Hope that makes sense
Last reply by AnonyMouse_24029,