School Curriculum and General issues
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Mixed Class
by Guest- 0 replies
I have taught Reception for several years and am now taking a mixed class. There will be 10 R and 20 Y1. I am trying to do the timetable and struggling to fit it all in. Do I have to ensure that the Y1's do so many hours of literacy/numeracy a week etc. If so then can anyone tell how many hours it is?
Attainment On Entry
by Guest- 1 follower
- 29 replies
Hi everyone, Was just wondering if anyone has found an easy way of assessing/recording/ the level of your new year R's when they arrive? I know the Big O are very interested in this and since Basline does not exist anymore, I thought I would ask what you are all up to? Thanks XXX
Attainment On Entry Useful Downloads
by Guest tinkerbell- 10 replies
Thought I would point people in the direction of 2 booklets on the internet I have been using the one from the tes for the past couple of years it can be found in their resources section.I have also found one and a lot of lovely Early years useful downloads on communication4 all website. Tinkerbellx
- 4 replies
Hi, for the first 5 weeks of term i've only got my Reception children in class for the morning and so am trying to plan some fun activities for my Year 1's to carry out in the afternoons. I've come up with the idea of a 'Challenge Box' where the children choose challenge cards each day to carry out in a small group or individually. If anyone can think of any challenges for me to include I would be really greatful! Thanks.
- 14 replies
I've been thinking a lot this summer about my teaching of reading and how to develop it further so I've been rewatching the Early Reading CPD resource dvd. I have, as ever, a couple of questions on the finer points! First of all, where do you actually do your guided reading / group reading sessions? I do them in the classroom or outside as I would any other activity, but I find it really difficult to stay focussed (that's me as well as the children!) and not be distracted and disturbed by everything else going on around us. In the dvd, and every other clip I've seen, guided reading always happens separately, away from the rest of the class. I've always assumed that wa…
- 16 replies
What book would you recommend someone working in early years who did not originally train in early years? my background is secondary then ks2, then ks1 and now foundation. have picked up a lot from my own children and working in a Nursery but am sure there's stuff i don't know. Any good books.....nothing too high brow!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
- 16 replies
Hi I am thinking about my first introductory topic before we embark on the children's interest. We did 'Ourselves' last year but it bored me to tears so I am plumping for Nursery Rhymes this year. What has been your favourite nursery rhyme to teach and why? My favourite was Humpty Dumpty because we had lots of problem solving ideas with building walls to reach a certain height, making vessels to carry eggs, building walls out of different materials, investigating how far we could throw an egg and experimenting with different landing materials to see what impact it would have on the egg when it landed. How about you folks?
- 3 replies
Hi all, Sorry it's me again. I really could do with some advice. I have a R/1 class. The majority of the children are reception. At the moment i feel my classroom is not really exciting, it's not split up into defined areas and still far to structured. I need to change but I'm not sure what to do. I know I need far more free flow and child initiated time but then i am aware of the year 1's needing to cover eveything. What do you do??? I was thinking of going back to literacy mornings and numeracy mornings rather than trying to do both numeracy and literacy in one morning. Is that ok? I was also thinking of having one differentiated focus task so that by the end of the m…
Help With Ict Curriculum
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi Have woken early this morning thinking about work...September must be creeping upon us and was wondering if any of you lovely people out there could help me with my new curriculum area...ICT!!!! We do have a scheme of work for this area but my Headteacher wants me to review this and make some changes..can u help by pointing me in the direction of anything on here regarding the ICT curriculum in the FS and KS1 or anywhere else. We have a laptop trolley and are hoping to make another investment in hardware this year. Thanks Redbase
- 7 replies
Hi It's been ages since I have been on so good to be back! I am now in Reception and want to hold a reading meeting for parents to help them with their child's reading. I have a few ideas myself but if anyone has any tips or can direct me to useful resources I'd appreciate it.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,